Hello Ladies....
A message to myself and I share for those who may be sparked in kind.
This Year, I'm going for love, everything love.......
I want to be surrounded in my life by truly loving people. And I don't mean "polite" people who act like they have love, or even nice people. I'm going for loving people who feel love in the depths of their hearts and soul and whose warmth of that living love is felt as a force of life within you.
These people share with everyone....know what it means to love and be loved, that timeless feeling of being cradled in sublimity in every moment. Only some people can make you feel that. They possess love. And they give it. I want those people around me, only those people.
I'm a loving person myself. All who come into my circle of life, be it home, in person or online will feel it and they will be my friend in love always. All of life is ensconced in this love, and when all of life is laced with love it is bearable for all. There is less suffering and less loneliness for all.
But I'm not just going for love.......I'm going for outrageous love! The kind of love that changes realities in a beat of that loving heart. The kind of love that catches your breath. The kind of love that makes you feel God is in your presence! The kind of love that reinvigorates a joy de vivre.
The kind of love that heals. The kind of love that brings people together with smiles that hurt your cheeks.
The kind of love that brings you to your knees.

I'm talking about bold, radical, love. Its not shy, it doesn't hold back, it is not timid, it is confident and out of the woods, fully mature and developed and ready to take on the world.
I'm talking about the kind of love that no longer accepts mediocrity for standards, who throw off the mantle of the mundane and who make great and bold moves in their lives for love and beloved.
People who do not want to sit around waiting, people who make things happen. People who make not just waves but tsunamis.
I love those people, even when they are making tidal waves in desperate pleas to people to support growing trees around the world to keep life on this planet alive and thriving.
I'm talking about the kind of love that grabs you by the hand (or ear if necessary) and drags you out of your hiding, out of your shell, out of your cave and out of your mind.....to find reality in the place of all of our dreams.
We all want to find love, to be loved and love in return. Sometimes we have to let it all out, not hold back, and use up every precious drop of love to feel alive.
I want to feel more alive. And I want others around me to come alive.
I want the suffering to stop.
And NO, suffering is not Gods plan.
Love is the force of life, of all good things that living beings thrive in, and is something that is given and taken. It is good, and more of it is better.
This year, I'm going for radical, outrageous, bold Love. Make way.
This year, I'm not settling.
This year I bury lame, weak, tame, shy, reserved, and especially politically correct.
But I cant do this alone.
What if we all did this?
A message to myself and I share for those who may be sparked in kind.
This Year, I'm going for love, everything love.......
I want to be surrounded in my life by truly loving people. And I don't mean "polite" people who act like they have love, or even nice people. I'm going for loving people who feel love in the depths of their hearts and soul and whose warmth of that living love is felt as a force of life within you.
These people share with everyone....know what it means to love and be loved, that timeless feeling of being cradled in sublimity in every moment. Only some people can make you feel that. They possess love. And they give it. I want those people around me, only those people.
I'm a loving person myself. All who come into my circle of life, be it home, in person or online will feel it and they will be my friend in love always. All of life is ensconced in this love, and when all of life is laced with love it is bearable for all. There is less suffering and less loneliness for all.
But I'm not just going for love.......I'm going for outrageous love! The kind of love that changes realities in a beat of that loving heart. The kind of love that catches your breath. The kind of love that makes you feel God is in your presence! The kind of love that reinvigorates a joy de vivre.
The kind of love that heals. The kind of love that brings people together with smiles that hurt your cheeks.
The kind of love that brings you to your knees.

I'm talking about bold, radical, love. Its not shy, it doesn't hold back, it is not timid, it is confident and out of the woods, fully mature and developed and ready to take on the world.
I'm talking about the kind of love that no longer accepts mediocrity for standards, who throw off the mantle of the mundane and who make great and bold moves in their lives for love and beloved.
People who do not want to sit around waiting, people who make things happen. People who make not just waves but tsunamis.
I love those people, even when they are making tidal waves in desperate pleas to people to support growing trees around the world to keep life on this planet alive and thriving.
I'm talking about the kind of love that grabs you by the hand (or ear if necessary) and drags you out of your hiding, out of your shell, out of your cave and out of your mind.....to find reality in the place of all of our dreams.
We all want to find love, to be loved and love in return. Sometimes we have to let it all out, not hold back, and use up every precious drop of love to feel alive.
I want to feel more alive. And I want others around me to come alive.
I want the suffering to stop.
And NO, suffering is not Gods plan.
Love is the force of life, of all good things that living beings thrive in, and is something that is given and taken. It is good, and more of it is better.
This year, I'm going for radical, outrageous, bold Love. Make way.
This year, I'm not settling.
This year I bury lame, weak, tame, shy, reserved, and especially politically correct.
But I cant do this alone.
What if we all did this?