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"Where better to care for the soul than in the details of our daily lives?....The soul has an absolute, unforgiving need for regular excursions into enchantment. It requires them like the body needs food and the mind needs thought... An enchanted world is one that speaks to the soul, to the mysterious depths of the heart and imagination where we find value, love and union with the world around us. As mystics of many religions have taught, that sense of rapturous union can give a sense of fulfillment that makes life purposeful and vibrant." ~ Thomas Moore.

Tuesday, November 18, 2014

New Gardening Blog, Please Share

Hello Everyone,

I just wanted to share a new blog, Serena's South Florida Garden, I have created for journaling my ever deepening love of the Green Kingdoms and Mother Earth. I have decided to literally garden my own passion, to make it grow, especially after watching several dozen shows of gardeners from England such as Carol Klein and Monty Don of Gardeners World, and their gardens, their travels around the world to beautiful gardens, seeing what is indeed possible by gardeners all over the globe, and how beautiful and devoted these beings are to the beauty and life giving plants and trees of this world, the immeasurable Beauty they create from such a diverse imagination.
You can watch a fantastic series of 10 one hour shows here Around the World in 80 Gardens in this playlist which has blown my mind and heart wide open.
This one below is only the first of 10 shows all highly recommended.

A playlist I highly recommend is Great Britains Garden Revivals, excellently presented and demonstrating how people all over the world can green up the planet for the benefit of every living thing, and its easy to do. 

I have been even more opened up to the passion of Gardens and Gardening, its great medicine in not only feeding us but its abilities to alleviate things like depression and purposelessness, and to raise us to great spiritual heights through the simple observance of its Beauty, arranged through loving hands.

This is about my quest for such great beauty, self sustainability, to live and nurture the Earth and to live Green. And so I created Serena's South Florida Garden to journal my deepening experience of it here in South Florida, a unique climate.

I want to connect with other gardeners of this world, so Please share with others who are gardeners as I'd like to be part of a communicative group of people who garden for food, passion, for sanity, for flowers, for an organic and self sustaining and green, beauty full and abundant lifestyle.

sharing this with FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE


  1. That is so fantastic, dear Serena!
    I agree with all you say here...for our souls, our sanity...for life! The Green Mother nourishes and sustains us like nothing else, may we nourish her as well...Brava on your new blog...I am subscribing to it now...
    And that cabbage photo is gorgeous!!! :)
    Warm hugs,
    - Irina

    1. Thank you and if you subscribe I will have 2 followers, but I think some are subbing through email which is probably easier. Thank you for the comments. You've been missed.


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