Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Lemongrass Limeade Lovlieness!

 Hello Everyone,

When I had a guest for the weekend several weeks ago now, I wanted to have something we could keep drinking that was cooling, delicious beyond words and all natural, of course! :D
The magic to making new things is simply looking around and seeing what you have on hand and making something up and that is what I did. I had lots of lime, and that was nice, but it needed something else. I happen to be in love with lemongrass again, because the scent of the fresh lemongrass is truly intoxicating, and my guest also had fallen in love with it one day she had come into my house and smelled it diffusing the air when I had some simmering on the stove. So lemongrass had to go in too.....limes and lemongrass sounded delish, so I decided to combine them and it turned out to be a magical delish summer drink!
Perfect for Summer!
Here is the recipe, you will want to make this lovely cold iced tea, enjoy!
You will need a beautiful dispenser.
A "handfull" of fresh lemongrass.
A half cup of organic sugar.
2 caps fuls or 3, of Cortas Orange Blossom Water, available at Greek, Italian, Indian, Mid-Eastern stores.
Around 9 limes juiced and a bit of zest from one.
A gallon of pure water.

 I cut around this much from the plant above. Its around an inch in diameter when the grass is held together.

I cut it to fit into the pot with some frozen lemongrass bases, smashed and also cut, from lemongrass I had from last years plant. I opened the gallon of water and added it to the pot and when the pure distilled water came to a boil, I turned it off, kept covered to keep the precious scented oils in the tea and not diffused into the air, for around 20 minutes as I prepared the rest.

 I juiced around 9 limes and even used a bit of zest. The juice and zest went into the tea dispenser.

I added the rest of the gallon of water, then half cup organic sugar and two caps or 3,  using the cap of the bottle itself, of my secret, Orange Blossom Water.....yum O!!! Mixed that up.............

and when the lemongrass tea was cooled, I removed the leaves and added the tea to the dispenser

 Mixed it well and taste test. You can adjust the flavors to your liking at this point, adding more Orange Blossom Water or sugar or Lime or lemongrass tea, whatever your preference for flavors are but when it comes to the lemongrass, better more than less. Then I poured some of that mixed Lemongrass Limeade into ice trays to make ice cubes. I use the tea itself for ice making.


When they were frozen, I thought I'd add one tray to the dispenser and kept the other to add to the glass. It didn't quite work out that way LOLOL.....I don't really need it that cold and my friend loved eating the ice on its own. But I did make another batch and added the two trays to the dispenser. It is a beautiful light green color and sits in the refridgerator and whenever we want something beautifully citrussy and blossomy we go in for the Lemongrass Limeade! My neighbor was amazed at the scent of it and then how the taste finished off that first blush of blossomy scent. This one is a keeper!

Sharing this with Savvy Southern Style

and with No Minimalist Here

and with A Delightsome Life Home and Garden Thursday

and with Rooted In Thyme
and with The Charm of Home

and with Be Inspired Friday

and with Chic on a Shoestring


and with My Romantic Home

and with Town And Country


  1. What a delightful sounding recipe!


  2. This recipe sounds delicious! I have been trying to find lemon grass plants and can not, maybe I can mail order! Have a great day.

    1. Its a shame it is not so easily found, when it could be, its such an easy plant to grow! but yes online you will find it definitely, but keep looking in the herb sections of the nurseries, some one will come up with it, its a common plant.....full sun. If you try to recipe let me know, its divine!
      blessings, lady

  3. That sounds so refreshing! Thank you for sharing. I usually find myself drinking plain ole' water!

    1. I drink mostly water too, but this weekend I wanted that something different and it was beautiful! it is more than refreshing, its euphoric, lolol try it :D:D:D
      blessings, lady

  4. How beautiful..sounds sooo very magical..I can almost smell this beautiful scent reading your words..thanks for sharing such a blissful recipe..lovely! I agree..it is so magical to use what you have on hand..makes it very special!
    Bright Blessings

  5. That sounds delicious--lemongrass is one of my favorite scents!

  6. Have I missed this much??? My internet has been so yucky....but I will catch up, yes I will with my dear Lady! :)))

    How beautiful and refreshing...yummy! Thank you for this recipe....I love all of these ingredients...
    And the PEONIES on your banner....WOW....heavenly.....
    Off to read more!!
    I hope you are feeling relaxed and refreshed, dear friend!
    Love and bubbles,
    - Irina

    1. Hi Palomasea, I've received all your comments and I thank you, always so loyal to my posts, what did I ever do to deserve that?
      But I thank you, and the lotus opened today and then closed because the sun went away and then thunderous rains came and it bent the stem, so sad, so I don't think it will open to its usual 7 inch glory...but other will come. Yes, all flowers are divine and I am happiest with the variety and in textures too.
      Am off to make some more Lemongrass Limeade today and do some cozy kitchen cooking with these storms and music, how nice to be home! Yes I'm relaxed finally.

      And how are you?
      warmest hugs

  7. Oh, my! This sounds amazing - will make a list of the ingredients and try to make it! So Delighted you shared at Home and Garden Thursday, your post will be featured in this week's party,

  8. Looks delicious. Thank you for joining Home Sweet Home.

  9. This sounds really good. The ingredients have me intriguedand I definitely have to make this! Thanks for sharing the recipe at the Summer Inspiration Decor party!


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