Friday, June 14, 2013

Shabby Napkins Homemade

I resisted.

I did.

Until I saw some pictures, and my resistance went out the window fast. It's like you get bitten by a bug or something and you HAVE TO HAVE IT to get it out! What IS that??!! Well, I had resisted those luscious Shabby Chic Couture Napkins in spring floral prints.....from last year.

I was strong, didn't need them, I said. That was last year.

And then last week,  I visited Heavens Walk blog, and fell in love with her grass! of all things! looking at her last post, "Music in the Gardens". But I went through her older posts and realized I was finally feeling relaxed after weeks of "unsavory" I continued on her blog. Quite the unsuspecting one. I got comfy. I let my guard down. And then, I got bit. I had browsed leisurely through that beautiful blogland and laughing at her adorable wit, and was an unsuspecting host for a bug who latched on and would not let go when I looked at this picture of her napkins....


 It was lightening fast, a sudden shift, a change inside......something was different, and I knew, just knew, I was ill. :D
What the heck IS THAT ??

So what does a sick lady do? I went scouring browsing the net for Shabby Chic Couture napkins. I couldn't afford them as it turns out. Next best thing, her fabrics. Couldn't afford those either. I've been on a severe budget the past year and half. Sooooo, what is this erhm..... "haunted"? :D lady to do? I'm not even going to go into how many hours I spent looking for fabrics I could afford by Shabby Chic and suppliers etc, and I'm not going to tell you how I kept Laurie's picture open on my computer screen for days with just this one picture.....won't go into any of that!

Well I emailed Laurie and told her of my "sickness" acquired from her blog and she understood, Lolol, she'd been sick like that before too :D .....well, we're understood at least. She kindly referred me to a couple of suppliers of fabrics and that led down another rabbit hole.

To cut this short, I decided not to be ''ill'' anymore, I hate it actually, and so I gave up the need for those napkins as they were, and decided to come up with my own. This is a simple thing! And my own version couldn't be that bad! So I dropped the "illness" like an old napkin lol, and off to Joanne's Fabrics I went and I did find some suitable cotton fabrics that would give me what I wanted without the set back in dollars. And they are cotton after all. Though I wanted texture, as in linen, I realized I wouldn't be able to get that in spring floral prints, and the amount of time I'd be using those napkins didn't balance how much energy I had was giving it already, so I had to "settle" for common fabrics and make do.
Well! I did alright I think! I'm happy with 100% cotton in these prints I found and I got enough variety to have my mix n'match "Shabby Chic Couture" Spring Floral Napkins. :D

But Wait! there's' more!......I just love saying that! I make myself laugh LOLOL.....(horrid commercials)

As I walked through an isle of fabrics, there was hanging just the right kind of linen with that thick texture and rough look, though it feels soft and drapes beautifully! Know what I'm talking about? Linen! thick linen. I touched it and I was in love! I picked up the fabric bolt and the piece came was an already cut piece of fabric and it was the perfect size for my table!......then I tried to find the price but the bolt it was on was not the bolt it was cut from so I walked scrambled to the cutting table and the clerk told me if she couldn't find the price, she couldn't sell it to me. Sad face. I asked her for the price of the bolt and it was on sale for $4.99 a yard. Off I went to find another fabric that felt just as luscious. No good....none were. Then something happened. She walked with me to find the bolt my linen piece came from and I said something that made her laugh. Finally she said she could sell me that last piece for the $4.99 price of that bolt it was on! Eureka! Thank YOU Domestic Goddess of Home, Hearth, and Health! LOLOL

The total for the linen was $7.99 and I bought it happily. Now I have my beautifully textured tablecloth which I have to figure out what I'm going to do with the on a ruffle or not....leave it bare and rustic with the edges rough, or not.....or sew some other fabric onto it, I don't know.......any ideas??

Here are the fabrics......8 different ones, 3 in shades of blues and aquas, the rest pinks, all are soft palettes.

 The Linen piece, and I love the selvedge edge......might keep it, but I think it needs something else?? advise?

Individual close ups

 These are ok, not quite Shabby Chic Couture, but all together they are just as pretty and will be fun to use.

and that beautiful linen again.....what to do with the edges? leave them? sew a ruffle? with what?

I'm going to begin sewing these fabrics into napkins today, then will have the set and will update this post with the finished napkins.

Would appreciate feedback as to the tablecloth piece....thank you!

I also found this crochet thingy,  I think a king sized bed lace, from the thrift and I simply COULD NOT leave it there. I thought it would look great over the top of my gazebo, but that is not going to happen. It is rather large though, and I adore the edging, not sure what to do with it, but it is very pretty!

sharing this post with Shabby Art Boutique



  1. I am a lover of fabrics. These are beautiful! I recently splurged on some Tilda fabrics from the UK. I got enough to make a purse. They are so pretty I am in love with them! I will share them on my blog soon. I think you'll like them too :)

  2. Hi anam cara, you cannot imagine how much I enjoy to see you blogging often again like "the old times"! Let me tell you those fabrics you´ve purchased are lovely, so fresh and feminine. I really loved them (although there´s a lot of PINK there! LOLOL) and I loved the linen piece too... Personally, to make a tablecloth from it I´d add some ruffles -maybe gauze?- or more probably a beautiful cotton lace edging.
    Let me also tell you that this post came in the right moment, because I´m in bed with flu since yesterday and I REALLY needed some beauty to cheer me up... but your unique kind of "magic" always works well for me, so I´m feeling pretty much better now.
    Love you always,

    1. oh so sorry you are with flu that is always so nasty, please be gentle with your self and ask Taz if he can be too. :D
      Pink, well yes, you said that about my porch too, but I'm loving pink right now for some reason, and its a gentle soft color which I need for whatever medicine that vibration gives. I love the blues, aquas, lavenders too and when I see them on others palettes, they are just as beautiful. I use those colors too and bought fabric on blues/aquas too!
      But I love the idea of adding the gauze on the edges which I think I will do and dye it to match one of the napkins shades....or maybe not....but I had thought of that and I wondered, now that you say it I think that is what I will do....ruffles do you think? lite ruffles? Then maybe an addition of a lace trim too LOL...will work on these today and post pics on that post when I'm done.

      Soooo glad you feel any better from my blog, I will make sure I post a few more this week lol....since I have a few things I'm actually holding back on so they don't get buried ,, but taking my time. I made a a foot wash, or rather, my housemate put one toegether for me based on something I saw on another party in blogger ladies!!....and I love its practicality and simple beauty as it sits there doing nothing. :D

      Warmest hugs and blessings

  3. What a delightful post!

    With a fun story, and lovely photos.

    Mmmm, I kind-of like the present edging on your material. But bow to other Dear Readers, who are more sewing-proficient, than I.

    Mmmmm, guess I'd better go find this lovely blog, you "got lost in." And "get lost" in it, myself. :-) But first, I have to wander back through all your posts, on your lovely blogs.


    1. How nice to see you here again LOL....what a delight your presence is...and I thank YOU for the pleasure! Yes, Heavens Walk is beautiful, shabby prairie and her property is amazing, all her posts are beautiful, she's been on my blog roll for year now, and shes' funny too. Enjoy!

  4. Hi sweet Lady! I am soooo very thrilled for you and your discovery of that pretty floral fabric! Your napkins turned out just beautifully! You must be over the moon happy! :) I adore the linen piece you found for your tablecloth. Well....if you know me, you know that I'd put a ruffle on it. One with an unfinished edge. :) Oh....and be still my heart! I LOVE LOVE LOVE that crocheted piece you found! It's just gorgeous!!!!!!!!!!! Happy to see that your world is now right side up, now, girlie. It blesses me to see you at peace! :) xoxo laurie

    1. Hi Laurie, yes it looks like a ruffle is going around the edges, a 5 inch ruffle with cotton gauze which I have enough of, should be very pretty! Maybe use some of the napkin strips as "lace" trim where the ruffle meets the linen? working on it. The napkins were sewn today and they look as lovely as any, am happy yes. And when the linen is done will post pics on all of them in that post. Thank you for the inspiration.
      That huge crochet piece not sure yet, after washing/drying it, it looked even nicer. I'd like to see it hanging on the wall folded in half as it is in the pic, but that would take some work and I'm not in mood for that right now, but when the need arises for such a drapey beauty, I will have it. :D:D:
      yes, sigh, I can breathe with a smile now LOLOL!

  5. OH LADY DEAR!!!! YES! These pastels are the perfect accompaniment to the white and wonderful look we are both in love with! How is your shabby and mystical world? Everything looks good and you must be so thrilled to be exploring even more possibilities! Thank you for coming and yes, I am in the process of preparing more photos to submit for two magazines. It IS only a matter of time, and I hope that the editors will agree with YOU! Blessings! Anita

  6. Isn't Laurie a doll!! I can understand how you would be caught up in her beautiful blog and be inspired to make the floral napkins.
    Happy crafting and thanks for linking up at Shabbilicious Friday.

  7. HI there !
    I thought Id pop on in to visit you ! It was nice to see that you have a blog as well, and Im so happy Im here ! Also..... I ADORE Laurie Shoemaker and we are besties and I consider her a huge blessing ! Her home and gardens are a true reflection of all the love in her heart. IM so thrilled that she has inspired you. Your napkins will look amazing and I agree eith Laurie on the linen. I am always
    s impressed with diyers and look forward to seeing your finished pieces !
    Again, so sorry about the blog issues, I hope it gets resolved soon.

    1. Yes I have several blogs, and this one is the most fun. The Bohemian White Beauty is for my new life in White. I love it, so very soothing....and bohemian with lots of different textures and fabrics around. Glad you like my blog. I finished the napkins and tablecloth and I'm in love with them, so happy with them. It is my last post if you'd like to see it.

  8. I'm going backwards through the posts, but that just seems to be my way! :)) I even read magazines from the back...hee...
    How exciting to have seen the process from start to finish, dearest Lady!!!
    (April Cornell, look out!!!) :)
    ENJOY, dear one!

  9. Dear Lady, I know it's been a while but I just happened upon this and it happens that I know what that is. It is not crocheted but rather netted and is a very old American traditional craft. It is a netted bed canopy to go over your bed. They are an extension of the craft of making fishing nets, which also led to tatting and lace. You are very blessed indeed to have found one. You may want to be sure it's not a rare antique before you dye it or anything. I have only seen them in white. They were most common in New England I believe and I saw one once over a Mariner's Compass quilt in shades of blue. The whole room was only in blue and white it was so pretty. Hope this helps. Mrs. K.


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated and responded to when possible.