Thursday, June 6, 2013

Water Lilies and Flowers in Bowls

 This is about the flowers today. The water lilies are finally coming up! We had repotted the 4 we had and got 6 after separating them plus an extra lotus which I put in large pot in front of the gate.

These are just pics. Enjoy!

 Peach water lilies !!!!

 Palest pink lily!!

 sooooo soft the pink inside.....

 This lotus will steal the show for the entire gardens when it begins to bloom....and we have a bud.....see??

 This precious little bud about an inch and half now, will open to a blossom 7 inches just days!

 How did this pot get in here?

 The sun came out for a minute and I ran out again to take what I could.....clouds here are intense right now.

 Inside on the kitchen table, I picked some more gardenias from the neighbors overly laden bush and picked some more fallen plumeria or frangi-pangi flowers from the ground......they look beautiful in this tureen.


 On the drive home I saw some pink blossoms on the sidewalk, made a u turn and picked PINK Plumeria's from off the ground! Foraging the neighborhood for flowers is quite productive! I even got a mango and some little branches with lichen moss on them.....:D:D:D:

 Fresh Gardenia and Plumeria floating in a bowl by my 'puter.


 On the porch this pot collects the drip from the air conditioning unit.....gets flowers too.....why not ? :D:D:D

 The Front Gate Garden is coming along! look at those velvety lotus leaves, goes perfect with Quan Yin.

 LOVE how the water sits in puddles on the lotus leaves......when it rains, they look like crystals. :D

 Inside, I have some fresh Palest Pink Lilies. This is the best bunch so far with 5 stems and the most gorgeous palest pink in shade of these large lilies.....sigh.....they also came with foliage which I normally don't use, but these are pretty and light.......sooooo happy. But wait! there's more! Lolol......Not only is this bunch larger than the others have been, but there are a grand total of 11 more blooms yet to open on these! What a huge display this will be a few days! Love Love Love these Pale Pink Lilies!


 Scented too.........sigghhhhhh


Sharing this post with No Minimalist Here

and with Home and Garden Thursday

and with Rooted In Thyme

and with The Charm of Home

and with Rose Vignettes

and with Fishtail Cottage Garden Party

and with Be Inspired Friday

and with Chic on a Shoestring


and with My Romantic Home


  1. So many beautiful flowers and how nice that you can get ones you don't have from your neighbor! Hard to believe that tiny, little bud becomes these huge, gorgeous flowers -- that peach color is magnificent!

  2. OMG dear anam cara, I never get tired of seeing pics of your fairy garden, but this time even my partner fell in love with that pond! And lovely Kwan Yin´s corner... and gardenias (oh, my favorites ever) on the kitchen table... no words to describe such a beauty!
    As always, it´s great to have you back in blogland... you´ve been missed around here!
    A million blessings,

    1. oh how nice he liked it too. Its a 10 foot by 8 foot pond roughly, but the Center of the Garden for sure, a place to stop and rest. The flowers are amazing and every day I wake up and go look out to see how many more blooms are coming up. Now there are 5 and the lotus is growing fast. Will take pics of those when they open. The Quan Yin corner is also becoming a favorite of mine too and I didn't realize it until I took those pictures LOLOL.....but the lotus there will be fabulous too and if the bouganvillea bloom at the same time should be lots of pic mama!! Lolol.
      Sorry, I took off too much time, I missed it too, and will try not to let it happen again. I love blogging and taking this break from the horrid "work" I do.
      love to you mama!

  3. Your water lillies are so pretty! At our previous home we had a water feature (a pond an waterfall)--I did enjoy the flowers my husband wold grow in the pond. We really need to have a pond here--all we have is a whiskey barrel water feature...better than nothing..I love the sound of falling water. Your post was beautiful!

    1. Thank you. Apparently they needed transplanting really bad. lol....the pond is a special place, I think every garden needs even a little one, but the waters reflection is a place to site and rest and the water falls sounds are nice, I work on it by moving the flat rock the water hits till the sounds are just right :D:D:D.

  4. Your water lilies are so beautiful! Lovely post!
    Mary Alice

  5. Those are so lovely! Your garden is so lush and green. I bet you love being there. :) Thank you so much for sharing this awesome post at Fresh-Cut Friday.
    I'm so glad you did! :)


    1. I do love being there especially when it is quiet. I love sharing at your party Fresh Cut and I always will be there because I always have flowers around and I love them. I also love visiting all the others too, and usually leave a comment for them. Thanks for hosting this.

  6. Hello to you, 'Dear Lady Of The Woods'... I found you in comments in "The House In The Roses" blog. Hers is a gorgeous blog. And you have gorgeous blogs too, I happily find!!!!!!!!

    -happy sigh- I love, love, love this type of blog, which both you lovely ladies give us. Magical. Delightful. Showing us how to view everything, in the most lovely of ways.

    And since we are living anyway, why not choose to view it, magically and in a lovely way???

    Thank you for all your blogs. I will be sure to return.


  7. Dearest Lady of the Woods, I was on cloud 9 every since you stopped by with your wonderful comments. I am so glad you loved the miniature wheelbarrow. I enjoyed making it. I too have loved miniatures since I was little. I love your blog and all the magical things you share. It always makes me happy. Thanks also for sharing this beautiful post of your water lilies and flowers at Simple & Sweet Fridays. I'm sure you inspired everyone! I'll be sharing some photos this week on our pumpkins. Our garden always changes during the seasons. We never get tired of seeing new plants come up and are always trying new ones. Hope you have a happy day in your beautiful garden.
    Hugs, Jody

  8. Lovely flower pictures, your garden is very beautiful and restful I enjoyed looking it over.

  9. As I have said on your other blogs, I am so happy to have found your blogs. Oh you make magical surroundings. Such inspiration.

    Later, I will have to come back and scroll and scroll and scroll and scroll through all the back posts, of all your blogs. To just kind of luxuriate in their beauty.


    1. I hope people do "luxuriate" that is such a nice way of putting it, thank you!
      blessings, lady

  10. Oh, my! Yopur lilies are gorgeous! Just love them - I can just imagine how fragrant your bowl full of flowers are! So delighted you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  11. Dear Lady of the Woods, Congrats! You'll be featured this week at Simple & Sweet Fridays. Thanks for sharing this beautiful post!

    Take Care,

  12. Everything here is Divine and Dreamy.....sigh......
    Love love love :))))
    Lotus blossoms are so magical to me....although all flowers are....
    Enjoy, dear friend...what bliss!

  13. I am so in love with your backyard! The screened in gazebo next to the pond is just amazing! And your pond.....just beautiful!!! I used to work for a landscape company that specialized in water gardens. So I recognize every plant, lily, and lotus you have in there. You have a very healthy pond from what I can tell, sweetie! It's truly a work of art! xoox

    xoox laurie

  14. Thank you. The Gazebo is a fun new little playspace, just can't wait until its not so humid and hot and I can actually enjoy it for hours, but for now it is a good place to just sit for moments. And the pond is looking good again. I made it a point to have it done before summer heat and its looking like it used to. Repotted all the plants and got 2 more from separating them and an extra lotus which is by the front gate now....with a bud! LOL happy dance!
    Yes its healthy again and it is a work of art definitely by the Water Fairies and the dragonflies adore that place like crazy....they dance and do all kinds of aerobotics all over it, and dropping their eggs so delicately on the duckweed is so precious to watch. The goldfish are too shy yet to come up but that gold sparkle moving about amongst the plants is so magical. The sound of the falls trickling is just perfect too....had to work on the sound with rock placing, you must know all about that. :D:D:D
    thanks for stopping by!
    blessings, lady


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