Sunday, December 2, 2012

Xmas Mantle

I'm decorating for Christmas as I always do whether or not I "celebrate" in the traditional style which I usually don't.....and that means the shopping/spending frenzy.....not my cup of tea, not my spiritual way. That doesn't mean I don't give gifts, but I like to give gifts I have made myself and I work on these during the year.

This year I'm Going White to soothe my Spirit and to see Serenity around me in the form of the harmonious and clean White. It is not stark, not by a longshot, but soft whites, and off whites and maybe a color here and there to add interest. I like what I'm seeing, but have more to go.

I don't "decorate" per se, I simply put up what I have and for me its done. So the mantle is done. It's like 12 feet long....alot of mantle. I had thought I wanted pine greens all over it like last year and I loved it but when I put them on, it seemed too dark so I took most of them out and only left a few branches. I prefer the lights to show up and the mercury glass to be sparkly and the plumosa fern to give its dramatic yet wispy sprawl over the mantle. On either side are copper glitter branches I keep up all year. The pine cones I sprayed white and added sparkles to are also in there. The back wall looks gold leafed. :D .....Simple but beautiful.
Here a few unprofessional pictures as my transformations here in the house continue.

I wish you all a peaceful, healthy, and loving Christmas Holiday whatever you do, from my Hearth to yours..

Quan Yin presides.


Yes, these are pink mercury and I'm loving pink this year. :D

The fairy who lives on the mantle, wearing a her face. :D

Angel has nothing to do but read fairytales!

A porcelain fairy lives inside this enchanting white greenhouse with Angels guarding the outside.
A Toad Prince all decked out in his best pearls and gold and glitter crown awaits on top for her to awaken and give the Kiss.....the first one she gave the Prince, he turned into a toad! She decided its best to sleep that one off!

Serenity. Silver leafed candlestick and a mercury glass!

In case you didn't quite catch the adorableness of this Fairy, this is a better angle she thinks   :D

My friend Lars from Sweden told me about Advent last night. I liked the idea and said I would light the candles beginning today, Sunday, with him, in honor of all the tech help he gives me from afar.
Here's your Advent Candle, Lars, at the very end of the light. Design inspired by a beautiful blog of White Decor.

The Queen Anne Console I just decorated this year for the first time.


 This is how I like it, no over head lights, just candles and fairy lights.

Wishing you all a love filled Holiday.


sharing this post with Savvy Southern Style
and with A Stroll Thru Life
and with No Minimalist Here 
and with A Delightsome Life 
and with Rooted In Thyme  
and with Chic on a Shoestring Decorating
and with From My Front Porch to Yours
and with Mod Vintage Life


  1. Everything is beautiful! I think you did a wonderful job evoking the feel you are after.

  2. And a LOVE filled...BLESSING filled Holiday, and every day to you, dear soul!
    Oh my......
    This is serenity indeed!!! And such beauty...I can almost hear the soft fairy and angel crystal sparkly joy! :)
    Really quite splendid...
    Enjoy, dear friend...
    Much love and hugs,
    - Irina

    1. :D Thank you Palomasea, I have one fairy in the little white green house on the right side, and the angel on the left side LOL....sparkly joy yes, and they like it so much, they even "borrow" things from time to time! Thank you for saying so.

  3. Peaceful and Beautiful! Amazing job!! Have a great week.


  4. Your mantle looks amazing--I am loving all the shades of white, and the natural greens just make it perfect!

  5. I love your style! Thanks for visiting me at I've been working on Christmas decor most of today, so come back and visit, okay?

  6. GOOD MORNING LADY!!! I cannot tell you how much this airy and light display is making me smile! You have worked so hard just in the last MONTH to give your home that snowy white and dreamy effect! BRAVO MY DEAR! This is stunning, just stunning. I have been so busy with my writing class and art commissions that my home does not have the touch yet, but it will!

    Many hugs and thank you for enjoying my CUBAN SUGAR POST!!! Gotta love the unexpected and off the beaten path ways we express ourselves! Anita

    1. Thank you Anita, coming from you I feel more comfortable with it. I tell you though, I am wishing for the pure snowy white look but NO I am NOT repainting, lol, nope, not me...not for a while! I like the softness of this white, but that pure white is what it turns out I really was after, but not here and not now. lol
      I have more work to do then the kitchen is being painted as well, then I can go back to making clothes and gardening which my garden is looking neglected and is painful to me to go out there....though others thinks its lush. You know how it is :D
      I hope you are enjoying your writing class and I hope to see pics of your home when you get some things done, ok? I'd love to see it. Yes that latin music was da bomb! I could see myself, which I did envision lol, being in your house with the ambiance you create on your blog, then wham, the cuban music and me getting up to dance it away and laughing! love to laugh!

  7. SO SO BEAUTIFUL !!! I just adore these photos!! so cozy, and pretty!!

    1. Thank you Tausha, For a change I inspire you lol.
      I wish you a lovely and loving Holiday!

  8. Wow....your decorating is so magical...Love what you did with the mantle...I also like your redo of your title of the Blog... Have a beautiful Holiday Lady

    Peace XO

  9. Beautiful Christmas decor! Thank you for linking to the Open House party and Happy Holidays. Hugs, Sherry

  10. This is so beautiful. You are lucky to have such a large mantel area to decorate. Love all the lights and the charming !

  11. Thanks so much for sharing this inspiring xmas post on Simple & Sweet Fridays. What a beautiful magical mantel. I love the white theme and enchanting look of everything! So Pretty!



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