Thursday, December 6, 2012

December Peonies and Xmas Greens

I never saw peonies in December, but Whole Foods had them and my housemate brought some home because I have been under the weather and Peonies in December is such a treat!
I also have some pine greens I've been collecting  from the Xmas tree people who trim their trees and put the cuttings in the garbage! such a waste! One year I made 3 huge wreaths for the house with those cuttings and it was gorgeous!  But this year I want them inside to scent the house, and in water. I have a couple of vases in my small room with them and they make the room smell very nice! The pine also purifies the air, not just scent it. And I have a white Pointsettia in there too.....I had to bring Xmas into my own room, and I'm loving it.

This was my bureau before I got the peonies. I like not having too many things on it so I can move things around which is nice.
I made a beautiful Advent Setting with the sparkly pine cones and crystals, with "snow" and mercury glass votives on a silver tray. I LOVE my silver walls, they are such a beautiful background for everything I love!

without overhead light...just the candle and the side light.

I got the peonies last night......

 into the mercury vase they went.

I think this is my favorite fairy of all time.....she does get into many photos, but she is worthy!
I love this picture because it has all the things I'm in love with right now, the colors of white and pink, peonies, mercury glass, sea shells, crystals, white sparkly pine cones, and feathers.

I think the colors are so delicious!

The first vase of pine was so nice, I knew I wanted more of the scent so I picked up some more fresh cut pine today and put them in a huge vase with very warm water. Then I had a whimsical idea to make it my bedroom Christmas Tree and added the small iridescent ornaments I have and I love it! Believe it or not, the beautiful white pumpkins from Thanksgiving are still looking beautiful and I adore them too!
I have a mercury glass ornament handing from the curtain rod, and I love the white stencil on the wall.

The first vase of pine greens in a Mercury Glass Pitcher set I've had for many years.....I added the lavender roses. not real sorry but they look so beautiful and antique I kept them !

By the window, a green plant in an urn and white pointsettias in an ironstone tureen, crystals for company. Love!

This is how I prefer the lighting. I can see the silver sheen on the walls, the pink and whites oh! love it.

Sharing this post with Rose Vignettes: Fresh Cut Friday #29


  1. Lovely! :)
    Your Christmas greens are gorgeous! I love how you add ornaments. Very nice! :)

    Thank you so much for linking up for FCF! :)


  2. Your walls have to be the prettiest I have ever seen. I adore them. Peonies are one of my favorite flowers. Everything you have done is just gorgeous!

    1. Thank you Sandy. I'm loving it too and the walls are such a perfect backdrop for everything I have now. The Beauty of those things shows up! :D The peonies were a very sweet surprise! I need flowers all the time, but thankfully my housemate picked them up for me. hugs, lady

  3. That is breathtakingly and magically beautiful. I love peonies, also. I have 4 plants in my garden, which usually bloom nicely but didn't make buds at all this summer. But hope springs eternal for the gardener -- I have high hopes for the coming season.

  4. Good morning sweet Lady! Your vignettes are stunning and the touch of pink is DIVINE! I hope you are taking some breathing time now; you have worked so hard to prepare everything in white and all is ready. Sit back, enjoy now my dear. Anita

    1. I just finished a few days ago, the living room finished painting the ceiling fan blades white and now I'm just doing xmas and other small things, crafts etc... I will take off time before starting on the kitchen. :D Thank you!
      hugs, lady

  5. You made such lovely setting. I love those walls and the whole setting is beautiful. take care, Darlene

    1. Thank you. I will stop to enjoy them now.
      blessings, lady

  6. Your unusually stunning Christmas vignettes have made me smile this morning. I love the greenery in the vase with ornaments (so pretty) and the pinks and peaches surrounding your pretty little fairy are truly delicious. I love peonies. THey might be my favorite flower, and I just brought some home the other day and mixed them with some evergreens.

    Linking from Fresh Cut Friday,
    Ricki Jill

    1. Thank you Ricki Jill. Aside from roses I hear often that peonies are the favorite of many. I'm so glad to have made you smile. I have my own very casual way of putting my things together but happy to see when it comes together.
      blessings to you

  7. I love pink peonies I think they look so antique and pretty ,all your arrangments look so mystical and I can smell that pine from here one of the reasons I love christmas.Hope you have a magical time Love Jill xx

  8. Most marvelous Lady! Sweet one, I love your idea of a film. With my varied artistic passions, a film would be my dream. Thank you for your magic dust today.....we all need it.

    It is snowing now and you would love the sights. My neighbor has the most magnificent showcase of white lights in animal forms and I just stayed up last night to watch....ah, the joy of snow.

    Much love to you ! Anita

    1. Anita, some days ago I got online Just to email you to tell you I have some WHITE thing happening on such a deep level, such a massive scale that I almost don't know what to do with myself. Yet, walking around in a "whiter" house is giving me the pristine feeling I've been missing for so long not knowing I could achieve it here and now without a great move or out of body experience lol.
      I'm hardly in control of this "White" need, and I couldn't care less, it is feeding something inside me and I feel spiritually nourished by it and I'm going wherever it takes me~! I will make a post soon about this. When I can gather this in thoughts.
      I will keep you posted LOL
      hugs, lady

  9. Unbelievable, i feel like i have found a kindred spirit. Your walls are magical, especially in the low light. And you are totally right, the colors are heavenly together. I love the idea of a vase filled with tree trimmings, i'm so gonna do that too. I'm so glad i found you!


    1. And I thought the same thing as I went through your blog especially the title "fractured Fairytale" OMG if we are not living just that! But I'm determined to put it all back together and put all things "right" in my own way and time thank you very much! :D
      Welcome to a kindred spirit!

  10. I love your pink peonies. Your Christmas decor is just beautiful.

  11. I am so late here, dear friend...but I hope you are feeling well!
    Peonies in the middle of absolute favorite flower...this is heavenly!
    Everything here is magical...I am loving the winter greens in the vase with ornaments...stunning...
    Love and light,
    - Irina

  12. Dear friend, please check your may be happening again...
    Ok, I will try to recreate my comment :)
    Peonies are my absolute magical to have them this time of the year! I hope you are feeling well, dear Lady...
    The branches with ornaments are so beautiful as well...a splendid retreat.
    Blessings and love,
    - Irina

    1. yes, there you were, such an odd thing and I don't know what to do about it. AT least I'm glad you know when I'm not responding in due time, that I didn't get it! :D
      The peonies I think are mine too, especially when I see them in pictures in all colors! Mother Nature is splendid!
      blessings to you sparkly one


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