Monday, December 10, 2012

The Awe of White Transformations

Hello Everyone, :D

In my process of Going White, and I capitalize those first two letters because this is very significant for me, as I spoke of here, and here , I have discovered more about what it means.
As Sandy says, "White is good for the Soul"....and that is the sacred truth. I've always loved white and have alot of clothes in white. I even once had an apartment came with 2 closets in one bedroom and one was for my white and the other closet for all others. Both were full. Florida encourages white and my tan skin loves it. But for my decor, I had never thought to use so much in the house for reasons I spoke of elsewhere.
But once my room was done I had to continue....that is, HAD TO CONTINUE..... the Whitening process in my life.

Many things were painted, the walls, the furniture and many little items for the harmony of it all.

White decor had typically not been very interesting for me because most of the white decor I'd seen was done by traditional decorators, trained in schools of thought etc and I find this infinitely boring. What has happened however, is that the women of blogland have infused the White Decor with the unique expressions of their own souls and spirits and added their touches of things that are meaningful, not to mention the Living Legend Rachel Ashwell,........ but when I saw what the ladies of blogland did, this is when White came to life for me, soft and serene, rich with living touches, seeing the beauty of wear and tear, and the sacred in faded and worn. Seeing such Life Infused Spirit in this kind of use of white in photos of their homes all over blogland turned on the White Lights for me LOL. I love you ladies!

Apparently I'm on a journey here and I cannot tell you how satisfying living with the White feels, unless of course you have done it yourself. I will soon move on to the kitchen, white with pale mint, then the middle room, white with pale aqua, then I can focus on the gardens and my clothes again.....but not until this house is ALL done. When I wanted to begin this last year, I knew once the LR was done, the Kitchen would have to be next, and I just didn't want to, but I have no choice.....I have to.

My friend came for Tea a few days ago and when she walked in her breath was taken, she did not know what I had done. She looked at every single thing and even noticed the ceiling fan was now white too. She said it literally felt when she walked in, like a breath of fresh air. She also could not get over the sparkle and shimmer. I did say I wanted this house to Shimmer by Christmas and that means it will LOL....and she saw it. She said she never knew white could be so beautiful. I see another convert coming online soon LOL.

I think this attraction for white comes not from simple explanations of Serenity, though that is what it creates. And not just simplicity, though it does that too. White is a frequency as I mentioned before and it creates its own vibration. It is a color that contains within it the entire spectrum of color.....and the result is White.

When something compels me I usually need to know why. And so I had to find the spiritual reasons for my response to White Surroundings. It is spiritual indeed, much more so than a "decorating" need, which I insist, Kassandra. LOL....that I am NOT.....LOL.

What some of us are responding to with the Awe of White is what it contains, all the colors in an absolute. An All White environment also signifies that "one has arrived", so to is the ultimate inspiration.

Our current times and hectic speedy lives require a balance that can come from the Serenity of White. We are also needing the cleanliness of White's frequency because it does change the dirty energy of the outer world. And as 2012 approaches I wanted to meet it with an environment that was spiritually rewarding and comforting for the Higher Consciousness I am fully embracing.

Here are a few of my pics of the finished Living Room small as it is and I'm NOT a photographer and this house is not my pride and joy and I'm not saying that I did something as awesome as most of the ladies out there, no, not at all....I'm only saying look at the transformation of the color white.....again, to quote Sandy, "the power of paint"......... and cannot make you drool, sorry, it is rough and simple, but you can see.

Did I mention this transformation did not cost me anything? Housemate bought all the paint, I did the work.

Here is a very bad blurry 'before'.....


the same angle, by the front door and decked for Xmas unlike before.......

This view is from the back door, this I love. sigh

This mantle was not 'decorated'. I put up lights, added the fern and pine, my mercury glass, pine cones in the vacant spaces and it was done. "It" happens all by itself LOL, love that!

this sofa beneath the window is covered but filled with my collection of fabric for sewing until I can get a storage cabinet to replace the guest bed in the middle room. For now the guest bed is still available for guests to be cozy.

That Italian Tuscan Clay kitchen is soon to be no more, it's going white and pale mint.

Once you go white, you start to see all kinds of "black holes" that simply wont do. One of them was the fireplace which is now filled with a bucket of fresh pine and pine cones and candles. Another was the TV which I covered with a lace, another was the bookcase which I covered with a linen tablecloth and a tension rod. Love tension rods! they're all over the house in every doorway and place to hold some ethereal soft fabric or crochet many useful ways. Then I found  this perfectly seasonal (or not) shabby white and silver twinkle star at the thrift store and it was mine!


And yet, its not enough White for some reason, I don't think I'm going to paint everything Pure White......

at least not this year.

A few pictures from my Tea with Yami. Morrocan Mint and Lavender Tea.

Fresh greens and the only red Pointsettia's that grew from last years which I had planted.

Some sugars......

and Hazelnut Turkish Delight with silver dragees.....

and a double pedestal stand with fresh greens and pine cones,....looked better than this pic.

and part of Yami's be another post....

sharing this post with Savvy Southern Style
and with TIMEWASHED; Blissful White Wednesday 
and with No Minimalist Here


  1. I don't even know where to start. Your transformation is one of the greatest I have seen in such a short amount of time. Your house looks amazing! You're such a sweetie to mention me and quote me :)I love that star you found. I also love how you decorated the sofa table for the season. I am finding I love greens with my white. Being that I love white--I loved this post! I do believe white decorating to be clean and refreshing to all of our energy. People often come over and tell me how refreshed they feel in my home..I am so glad you went white :)

    1. oh I can't believe I didn't respond! I thought I did, it was all in my head. :D
      Thanks for the kind words, I am getting this house more to my liking....and I had to quote you, you put it so succinctly. I love greens too, must have Nature in with me at all times.
      Yes, I'm going white and more white....

  2. Dearest Lady,

    YOU HAVE MADE MAGIC. The transformation is so stunning that you have inspired me to try to capture one of my rooms and I think it worked tonight. I will send you the photos via email. GREAT JOB! Anita

  3. This is a glorious transformation. I love every little thing about it! You're absolutely right, it's the Grande Dames of the Blogiverse that have taken 'bland, boring' white and made it into sparkling, brilliant white. Your room is lovely, an ideal background for the light of candles or softened sunshine. How talented you are.

    1. Thank you most graciously....Grande Dames indeed! I will use that term from now on thank you!
      I have been to a few of your blogs and realize I need to spend more time there phew! LOL what a talent YOU are!

  4. So beautiful! Girl, I might have to transform a room white!

  5. GORGEOUS. I love all the white. Im now following you from

  6. Fairy land!! Love all the I have got to go out get the extra lights from the garage!
    Thanks for the tour! Great job.

    1. You are welcome. Hope you can make a Fairy Land for yourself, its so enchanting!

  7. Oh so beautiful. You made me smile!

  8. Absolutely beautiful and breathtaking...magical!! and I am in love with that gorgeous silver tea!!

    1. Thank you Victoria. Its a Moroccan Tea Pot, they are special, make any tea a beautiful ritual.

  9. Oh my....I WANT TO COME TO YOUR HOUSE FOR TEA.........It is absolutely have done a wonderful transformation.



  10. Wonderful transformation! I'm also in the process of whitening a house that had all kind of colours when I bought it! It takes longer than you though because it's a very old house so it also needs major renovations. I can't wait to see your kitchen!

  11. Spiritual indeed...AND awesome!!! It really is so gloriously beautiful....
    Dear Lady, you inspire us as well...yes you much!!
    Brava to you...
    Wish we could share a pot of Moroccan tea and Turkish delights...what a lovely tea, dear Lady....
    Oh, talk about white...we had a Narnia snowfall last weekend...indescribably beautiful...and indeed spiritual, especially at night when all was silent, and the earth and trees were clothed in Divine white
    Blessings, sweet friend...
    - Irina :)))

    1. Palomasea, you always have such nice things to say, and you are such a treasure in my blogworld. Thank you!
      Narnia snow fall! :D:D:D I love that! AND that is where I got the incessant idea for those Turkish Delights LOL....I keep seeing them in the store and wondering what they tasted like, having seen them in Narnia, and I finally got a box. The "funny" thing is, my housemate said I had already done that and bought one after the movie and I have no memory of having tried them....sigh.....some perks of aging I guess is to experience delight for the first time several times ! LOL
      oh that "silence".....I looooonnnng for it....and Divine White Robes too......ce moi!

  12. I am in total awe Lady! How beautiful this transformation is! Such a beautiful write this post is.
    Yes, I do think that white and light encourages the spirit that is within us. I think anything of beauty does. Beauty begets beauty and helps raise us to a new awareness, a new spirituality.
    Several years ago I went through a major heartbreak when we learned of our son's syndrome and I fell into a depression and it seemed that I would never see the light again. I went on a journey to find beauty. I craved it. I found it in the care and love for my son and being home with him daily. I decided that this home had to be a house of light, a house of joy and a house of love. Somehow I found it in White!
    much love to you...

    1. "Beauty begets BEauty and helps raise us to a new awareness, a new spirituality".....exactly, I could not have said it better. It is what I was trying to say indeed.
      How beautiful, that your sons syndrome first caused depression then a journey of Beauty....and you found it in caring for him, beautiful is that. I honor you for that, I know it is not easy. For me it is such a blessing to simply hear of such a transformation in your experience. Your love comes through on your posts, is why I followed, not for decor, but I can hear love in your "voice"...I can hear voices in reading....and such a gentle but powerful Light....and yes...White supports LIGHT and Love like no other! blessings, lady

  13. I enjoyed my visit here and I love all your whites, the lace curtains and your mantel is beautiful.

    Thank you for your visit and nice comment a few days ago.

    Hope you have a lovely Christmas.

    1. Thank you also. I hope you come back soon. I'm making many changes in this house. The kitchen is next, then I can get back to my gardens which have become a jungle and my own bought and planted plants, overtaken....sigh....always so much work to do and I cannot even have the flowers I crave here in the South of Florida.
      More beauty to come. Merry Christmas to you.
      blessings, lady


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