Friday, November 23, 2012

ASCP Wall Unit & Bronzed Pine Cones

This is the second piece of furniture I'm using ASCP with. I'm finding that it is not for a fine finished perfectly painted/covered kind of look, because the brush strokes remain even after 2nd coat and become more pronounced with waxing which I'm doing in a totally guessing kind of way, not knowing if I'm doing it right. It turned out I was not using enough wax when I called my stockist to ask, and even when I tried to add a bit more all the warnings about using 'just a tiny bit' stuck and maybe it is ok, not sure until 'where and tear' tell. Also, it does give a rustic kind of look because of its matte finish and very dry texture which makes painting furniture easier knowing it is not perfect and so the pressure for perfection is totally off! LOL love that! and distressing becomes fun, an artform. I distressed it just a tiny bit and lo and behold it looks like an old wall unit kinda thing but nicer in white.

Here are the pics. I'm really liking the Whitening results, if not the process, but slowly the house is brightening up and the housemate says it looks larger. White does that. Cools it down too which is important for me right now especially in Florida.

This picture is before the walls were painted Off White and before the border was taken down.

The walls were painted and everything taken off this piece to be painted. I did not have the stomach or the patience to do the inside. I did the inside of the doors however, but the inside may never see paint. This is not my furniture and I'm not interested in it, but the owner of this says it looks much better now, much!

This is A.S. Old White and Old Ochre on the inside panels and caning as accent. Nice!

I painted the brown trim on the fish tank with Martha Stewarts "Golden Pearl" from Home Depot.

In my world, everything man made is only a backdrop for Nature's beauty. I have cut some wild plumosa fern and put into a very tall apothecary jar, and these last for months! I love the magical forest feel they give!

I brought back inside the copper glitter branches which stay up all year because I love them so much.....and lit a few candles to be ready for Thanksgiving Dinner. It looked very peaceful and nice.

And the Pine Cones....I love them :D:D:D

before I had grapes up there for my "Tuscan" kitchen.......but I had already begun tearing off the border here......and its blurry, sorry

The fireplace and mantle.....I love the plumosa fern spreading all over it so wild and beautiful !

But I always prefer no electric lighting unless its fairy lights and candles....
on the left you can see the IKEA Cabinet I just painted and the TV on top is covered! with some lace.

Something from my heart to yours

Have a blessed and grateful day!


  1. WOW. WOW. WOW!!!! Can you believe how WHITE brings out the texture and design of such a piece? LADY DEAR, this is quite a fantastic transformation and I am clapping and cheering you on for this wonderful work! YOUR SPACE IS OPEN AND LOVELY and I know you are enjoying it. BIG HUGS!!! Anita

    1. Wow . yes lol.
      I'm seeing it "with me own eyes", as the Irish say.
      I visioned it before and could see it, and it is amazing to see before me now what I've envisioned. Amazing also how complete a transformation can be had with ONLY the color White! I thank you and can hear you applauding.
      It is good because I have literally no more friends left here in my area, they are all cyber friends now. So I post hoping to hear from them. So I thank you and am grateful for you.
      I am enjoying it, it was greatly needed for my spirit.
      big hugs back to you
      lady serena

  2. That is a beautiful piece and the white paint made it shine! It's gorgeous.

  3. Good afternoon my dear. I just scrolled down again to take in the wonder that you are creating in your home! BRAVA AGAIN!

    Your comment today is a lovely embrace of kindred spirituality and YES, this is WHY WE DO ART, isn't it? The fun challenge will be to find a way to make a living from it. But for now, I have my substitute teaching and some sales on Etsy, but what I never want to loose in the pursuit of the income IS the ability to make the magic happen because in this tragic world, we artists have to make a difference.

    PEACE! Anita

    1. Thank you again, precious one. The "fun challenge" will be to find a way to make a living from it....yes, I've tried several times myself, in both small ways and big ones! One was to pack up and get rid of everything I had, bought a one way ticket to Bali, Indonesia to begin a business which I was totally confident I could do, and find a place to live somewhere out there in the world with no clue and 2 suitcases! OK???
      Days later 9 11 happened and though I had to continue, my plans were thwarted for no one was allowed into Bali at that time. I went to Greece and so much has happened. I even tried a tiny home venture here making my own lotions and organic creams, perfumes and such, again!, but Florida is a very very strange place, and though everyone told me I NEEDED to sell these things, NO one bought them, cheap as I priced them. I know how challenging it is.
      And so in this tragic world, yes, artists are soulful people at heart and what they do they think is for 'money' is really spiritually to keep the magic alive! LOL and so whether or not we make a living, we DO make a difference! I go through this every week, praying to find a way to make a living for myself, my situation is very tough.
      Two days ago, a long time friend told me at the local fair, that I made a big difference in her life, I brought her magic and fun....since we met.....and it was soooo very good to hear this.....almost....almost.....worth living for.

  4. How absolutely beautiful, dearest Lady!! Beautiful, magical, serene, and wondrous....a dream taking shape before your very are working hard, my friend!!
    That piece is literally like day and night....and I love what you did with the aquarium...those magical ferns...the
    What a retreat...a healing space and then some!
    Brava from me too, chere amie!
    Big hugs to you and our dear Anita too.... :)
    - Irina

    1. Thank you Palomasea, I want a sanctuary and it feels much like one. I ask the housemate and he says he always looks forward to getting home....even though he sits outside the whole time but inside its pretty. He says he used to pass by the furniture now he looks at it. lol
      the mantle is fun isn't it? :D thank you so much.
      hugs to you,

  5. That piece looks gorgeous in white! I am just loving what you are doing with your home!

  6. Dear Sweet Heart, what a lovely vision you had and made into real life. I have the same dream to share my art and stories. You seem to be entering a new phase of discovery and God bless you in this challenge. You have so many lovely ideas, perhaps an e-course. Check out the Brave girls club, they are so neat and offer so much info about the creative process, perhaps they might give you some ideas to pursue. Your home looks so inviting and romantic. I've been painting everything white as well. Cottage White Benjamin Moore, on the walls, lot's of old white ASCP and paris grey. I really need some encouragement to follow through on my blog that I started. A new year will be shortly coming our way and so be it!!!! Thanks for all of your lovely posts, Mary Anne

  7. Oh your home is beautiful so cosy,inviting and magical,I wish I could be transported into it and soak it all up,Im sure you must be very proud of it.hope you give yourself time to relax in it.Love Jill xx


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