Wednesday, November 21, 2012


I am grateful today. I usually make it a Spiritual Practice to find things to be grateful for, and I find them all the time. When I get ornery about something, I search for gratitude and it straightens me out quickly. Sometimes Gratitude humbles me in the most beautifully soft way, a feeling I love so much to be soft like that inside, like the words and sound of the mans voice in this video well as the little girls "beautifuller" :D

The images of fast motion flowers is beyond my ability to articulate anything at all....I'm in AWE. Only a ghost will not respond to that.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving Day and I want to share a special Thanksgiving message that was sent to me, and it straightened me out when I was in fact feeling a bit "off".........I want to share it with is a blessing.

Happy Thanksgiving today and every day!


  1. Good evening precious Lady! I have not been around in two days since I am trying to get an order done in time to send off on Friday. Isn't it healing to be grateful?

    Sending you a blessing of goodness and ENJOY YOUR FEAST of gratitude wherever you are tomorrow! Anita

  2. Wishing you a very beautiful and blessed Thanksgiving, dear Lady. xo

    1. Thank you Barbara, and the same to you!
      much beauty, lady

  3. Oh yes thank you for this blessing. Gratitude is my response to this wonderful Thanksgiving post. Superior!!! Thank you.

    1. gosh, gratitude is going all over the place LOL
      I am grateful you felt grateful! this is contagious isn't it??

  4. Happy Thanksgiving dea lady....may you be blessed today and always.



  5. I completely agree: GRATITUDE is the most healing and powerful feeling, specially these days... Beautiful video, it came just in the right moment -as always! Thank you for sharing, and wish you a very happy Thanksgiving (I wish people would "copy" such a delightful tradition here in my country the same way they've done with "Halloween"... but of course gratitude is not so easy to sell as death and horror).
    PS:I had forgotten to mention how much I like the changes you've made in your blog's look, specially the new header... really love it!

    1. Thank you K, Gratitude is a blessing and a virtue. The sound of that mans voice in the video speaking that way was healing for me, to hear a man speak with such kindness is rare.
      I hope you are doing well? or better? I have not been too much on email, my exhaustion is off the charts. Yesterday in the morning I put the huge collection of DVD's into the cabinet, then waxed the large wall unit, and by 10;30 AM I was exhausted again and could not do much but a few things, light candles etc. Then I had major complications with blogger because I had reached my max for uploading pics and it took 5 hours with my tech friend to figure out how to fix this. It seems in the past week several bloggers lost the ability upload pics and google is asking for money which I cannot pay....small as it is.
      Soooooo, after eating yesterday by 7;30 I was in bed and got up at 5:am this morning, and still had no energy. I must investigate this....I think its the foods....I've not been able to afford to eat organic as I have for over 30 years and am allergic to conventional foods which I found out the hard way when I was younger. I must get back to organic and more greens!
      I will write you.
      warmest hugs

  6. Beautiful post and vid! Blessings, wishing you a very blissful and magical Thanksgiving.

  7. Well, what can one say after seeing and hearing...EXPERIENCING this masterpiece of a blessing....
    THANK YOU, dearest Lady!
    Healing indeed....brilliant and breathtaking...
    So grateful for YOU.
    I hope your Thanksgiving evening was lovely, dear friend.
    Blessings to you,
    - Irina

  8. I love the gratitude theme I am going to do one once a week during I look around I find so much to be grateful for in the simplest things.

    Peace XO

    1. oooh that is lovely. I'm finding it much. Namaste to you.


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