Sunday, November 25, 2012

Homemade Muesli and Gifts

Top of the Mornin' to You! as the Irish say! :D:D:D

Today I made some muesli. I was hungry in the morning which I'm usually not, but wanted something healthy because I had not been eating too well. When I checked in with my body, I wanted some fruits, nuts I happened to have lots of dried ones on hand and so Muesli was the answer. I must stress all these things must be fresh and not old or defeats the point and you'll not be encouraged to continue eating it because you can taste it, and its not good.....fresh ingredients only.

I had some whole almonds I broke up in the blender a bit, some pumpkin seeds, dried mulberries and goldenberries, some raisins, powdered cinnamon, and walnuts. You can add anything you like. I wish I had some dried raspberries. What you do after is mixing this together is what makes the meal delicious!
I decided to make this a post after the fact and just lined up the ingredients and took a picture.

 I mixed about an equal portion of each item into a large bowl. This is an open thing, mix in what you like most. This is when you add your cinnamon to taste.

This is the fun part. I added some of this mixture into my bowl, added some almond milk first so it begins to soften the nuts and dried berries a bit, added some honey, two hefty spoonfuls of Greek yogurt which is to me like ice cream! lol.....a couple teaspoons of Rose Preserves, and lastly two pinches of ground cardamon from my gorgeous Turkish Spice Grinder :D. I would definitely say the yogurt, Rose Preserves and cardamon are a must!

A beautiful healthy homemade natural, delicious and raw breakfast!


I think this makes a wonderful gift too, for those who want something homemade, something healthy, or for those who do not eat healthy this could be a perfect introduction into a healthy breakfast that tastes deliciously "unhealthy" can pack this into mason jars, add a ribbon and gift them away!


sharing this post with FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE


  1. Oh dearest Lady,

    THIS IS my absolute favorite breakfast and I am addicted to it! Enjoy this chilly morning and eat up!!! Anita

  2. Hi, dearest Lady! You inspired me -AGAIN- with this post! Some days ago I went to the organic shop and bought some rolled oats, flax and sunflower seeds, shredded coconut, raisins and honey, with the intention of preparing my own granola recipe -I used to make and sell it like hotcakes when I managed my natural healing center- but haven't found enough time to prepare it yet... perhaps this is the perfect moment (it's a rainy boring day around here)! And greek yogurt... oh my, that sounds like heaven!!! Hope you keep feeding yourself healthily and enjoying such exquisite delicacies, the Fairy Queen within you certainly DESERVES it LOL LOL LOL
    Please be in touch, I´ll try to do the same.

    1. Wow Kassandra! you really ARE my soul sister or twin or something! that is just too bizarre. Makes me wonder what else is happening in our parallel worlds when we are not communicating?? I love it very muchly :D:D:D
      I am having a good morning, better than yesterday when I found out my debit card was hacked and the only money I've had in many months was taken when I finally was able to go out and buy my organic foods....I haven't been able to eat organic or shop regularly because my finances changed last year, and I think my health is going down because I'm eating conventional foods which I found out I was allergic to at 21 years old unlike the rest of my family who can eat it without getting ill....I just don't do well on non organic. So I was happy for the first time in months to think of going shopping when they took that money out. I cried like a baby. Later a friend told me they are trying to legalize pedophilia and I broke down. I can not allow that.
      Not a good day. Today I feel more peaceful and took out the little money they left and bought some organics with that. I absolutely must get back into healthy foods or I will begin to look like a dough girl.....not acceptable in my world!
      I'm happy to hear you got some healthy foods too and I cannot stress how important it is to continue with it. I am very impressed to hear you managed your own health center??! you must send me an email with tons of details, 4 pages long LOL and I want to hear all about're not ....ahem....LOL....going to believe this ....but!....that was my dream too LOL......I've studied nutrition for over 30 years and have learned alot! We will one day have too much to talk about if we get together, I think I will cry thinking about it.....there is sooooo much! You too stay in touch.....please.
      warmest hugs your anam cara

    2. I decided to leave here my answer to your sweet comment on my blog because I left it there too but don´t know if you were notified. I did receive all that healing COMPASSION, and I thank you from the bottom of my heart for all your loving support and wise advice which helped me so much to go through these hard times... You can´t imagine how much I have thought and learned from your last mail, my sweet Soul Sister!!! About Kwan-Yin, She is really one of my Reiki Master Spirits, I also have a statue of her in my private meditation corner... (another "coincidence"??? LOL)and as you can see She always comes when someone is suffering, although I didn´t expect her in a so beautiful and touching way...
      Thanks for being there, Anam Cara mia! Promise I´ll write "a looooong email" as soon as I get a bit stronger.

  3. This looks like ambrosia...yummy, yum!!
    I love greek yogurt with nuts...and I usually add a touch of honey...
    Your recipe definitely takes it another level, dear Lady!
    Big hugs,
    - Irina

  4. Dearest comment has disappeared yet again, I am so sorry...I did leave one last night...
    This is absolute ambrosia..
    I love my Greek yogurt with nuts and a bit of local honey, but you have elevated this yumminess to a whole new level! :)))
    And you love RUMI?
    His work has been such a huge influence in my life over the past 15 years or so....
    I love that quote about women...YES!
    Much love,
    - Irina

    1. Thanks for letting me know about your comments going into spam again, I did dig out 2...sigh, don't know whats up with that. I hope you do try it the way I had it, it is definitely ambrosia! don't forget to include the Greek yogurt, rose preserves and cardamon powder.....oh boy!


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