Monday, November 11, 2013

A Beautiful Body Scrub

Hello Everyone,

This post is about a beautiful body scrub, a beautiful friend and a beautiful day.
My friend Yami was here for a few days, and yesterday Sunday, was a day, a sacred day, to just stay in pretty lounge clothes, be comfortable, cozy and not deal with an abrasive outer world, but to remain home here enshrined within my sanctuary for hobbits and fairies alike. :D
We decided this day would be for lightness and fun and for ourselves to do whatever we wanted.
Yami had some things to do and one was to make a body scrub which has been on her mind for a while. Her face though, seemed very pensive and serious and this was not the kind of face for the day we had planned so I asked her if it would make her happy if we made the scrub today together, that it was still early and if we were quick, quiet and careful we could sneak out to the health food store which opens in 45 minutes and all the things we needed were from only one store, that we could run there and back quickly, get back quickly into lounge clothes and pretend we never went out but we would have all the ingredients needed for a nice project. This brought a huge smile to her face and I knew we would have to find a way to slip out into the outer world without noticing ourselves that we did it LOLOL...... didn't quite work out that smoothly, and we didn't have helmets and glasses and ear plugs enough to keep the outer world from our senses, as we grit our teeth and ventured into the wild.
We get back not quite unscathed but not without rewards and one of those rewards was that we each got a bottle of Rose Absolute in Jojoba for free because Whole Foods has a policy that if they sell something for an incorrect price, you get it for free. I never knew that, and when I got the bottle for free because the price on her monitor was different from the one marked on the display, I was floored. Yami was buying her own bottle and I told her the policy and there she was getting her refund and the bottle for free too. This WAS A GOOD MOMENT PEOPLE ! made up for the panic we had when we realized in the ''one'' store I planned on getting everything that it did not have a single bottle of pure rose essential oil and though we had all the other items, even the jars from a ''quick dash into wal-mart'' since we had 6 minutes before the health food store opened, but without the rose essential oil, there was no scrub. :-(   so the free rose oil made up for the great distress we experienced at contemplating a long drive to pick up the nearest bottles of pure rose it was a wonderful moment when Yami remembered the new store just over the bend, and we had our rose oil, and for free.

Finally, with goods in hand, including the full 1/2 pound of dried rose petals Yami shocked me by purchasing..... [good god, woman what on earth ARE you making??].......we got in the car quickly and make a straight dash for home, crooked as it was LOLOL.....I say ''crooked" because just as I was about to head into the home stretch, Yami said ''make a left here, now"....and so I turned ''make a right here'' ''park''.....and I parked and she picked up [tons] a few delectable pastries from the famous cuban bakery nearby.
''These pastries were a must have, you see, if the world was going to be right side up again''......if we were to achieve the effect of not having been sullied by the world, we need pastries! of course!

So we make it home with all our ingredients including [many] many ''right in the world'' pastry makers.....we enter the Hobbit Home, each make a beeline directly into our rooms, quickly come out again in lounge clothes and pretend we were untouched by a crude outer venture beyond Hobbit Land, "there and back again" LOL :D:D:D complete with all our Hobbits's pleasures.

I go to the stove and make some of my quickly growing popular Vanilla Cream Chai which I made a post about here but as I prefer to do things, I made my own truly divine Masala Chai blend, post coming soon, and that is proving to be one of the most wonderful things in life, and this is not just me saying this, but all the guests I've had here, at least 4 other people whose eyes are rolling in the back of their heads over much so, I had to make Masala Chai for them to take home so they could make the Vanila Cream Chai elixir we've been drinking all weekend at home.

So here we are....sighhhh, Vanilla Cream Chai in our mugs, pastries gobbled consumed gracefully, (ahem, cough, cough) and as I sit to enjoy the mug of steaming Chai and the crumbs pastries on my fingers plate, we are finally sated and sighing.:D:D:D. All IS right in the world now! Yami was right ! LOL.....{as usual}
 "NOW do you understand??!!" 
"Yes, Yami, I sure do! ": -)

Time to truly lounge now and I go to my sofa and Yami to hers. She then pulls out all her things and begins to ''play''. I decide to watch her when she asks if I have a tray of some kind and I did, and was delighted her process of making the body scrub was going to take place in this one corner and I could just lie there and watch without moving! How fun! Then,  she needed a spoon, then a bowl, etc for her to work with. So as I [waited on her hand and foot :D ]  made her comfy, and made sure she had everything she needed :D, I decided to take a ''few'' pictures of her process because it was looking so pretty already.

Below is the Story in pictures, not much explanation needed, so please enjoy and I hope you enjoy the show! :D:D:D

This first the beginning of our spa moment, as I was playing music called ''Spa Dreams'',


and this is a picture of my tabletop water garden which I am in love with. I should make a post of this on its own but it is appropriate here.....It is a bowl with real silver designed into it, and I filled it with water, added water lettuce and duckweed from my pond, orchid blossoms, and a small bowl with a candle in it. I keep it lit, it is so beautiful and relaxing. I have starfish around it and rocks for a zen Asian effect. I am really into Asian decor......again.

 Getting items needed all together........{shea butter is not part of this, I use it all day}

getting the right amount of salt to fit into the jar, then pouring that into the mixing bowl........


we NEED sparkle and shimmer.........Yes. We do.




Pink color came from a dash of beet juice.....literally a tiny dash.......



 Testing amount of  Rose Oil.......

 Rose petals......


adding just the right amount of oil to the salts, to make it ''fluffy'''.....yes.....''fluffy as snow'' it had to be.......


 mixing .......



''mixing mixing mixing''.......     sing along now........

  Don't forget this is a Spa Day, and stress less......[not while watching Yami pour oil for hours ]   :D::D:D

I think its done Yami......

Getting the jar ready for shimmer and sparkle, because you simply must sparkle!! Jar gets Pixie Dusted.


Jarring the lovingly crafted body scrub.....truly it was a labor of love......

 rose petals are added to the top.........



 after a lunch break

We sampled it: :D:D:D , Yes it does scrub nicely and leave you smooth, yes you will be moisturized from the oils, and yes you will sparkle! Success!

Back at the Spa Workshop........The lid goes on.......

Yami wanted living vine to decorate it and we used Virginia Creeper and a dried red rose.......

We loved the finished product. Then Yami presented this exquisitely crafted and loving made jar of Rose Body me!  Imagine my surprise because I thought she was making it for her friend, but this first one was for me. Hostess Benefits I call it :D:D:D LOL.
I was so humbled and grateful for this beautiful thing!
I put this jar on her Welcome Tray and it looked like the complete package for a nice Bed and Breakfast idea Welcome Tray and we wanted to go into business on the spot! lolol.

She went on to make others and the night went on with this project and taking pictures and wrapping.
Yami's next jar was for her friend.


 It was going into a gift box.......



We added some purple tissue paper inside, wrapped some outside, then her other gift items added on top then we cellophaned it and tied a bow

And all was right in the world for several of us.....

~The End.

sharing this with Home and Garden Thursday

and with The Charm of Home


  1. Dear Lady, you cannot even imagine how much fun I had reading this post! It´s been so long since the last time I had a "girls spa day" that I had forgotten how enjoyable they usually are... I laughed a lot with the pastry part of the story -greedy, me? :D- And the rose oil for free... woman, that´s simply GRACE IN A BOTTLE! (as S.B.B. would say) I´m really happy you and your friend had such a good time, and as always you inspired me to look for those old homemade beauty recipes and have my own "spa time" one of these days... it will be a great breakthrough for the approaching summer!!!
    Warmest hugs,

    1. Thank you for your kind comment Kassandra. I wondered if anyone really enjoyed it. It was a good day! :D

  2. Dear friend, I was here yesterday, but was unable to leave a message....but I hope it works now, because this is such an ENCHANTING and fabulous post!! (And I miss you! ;)))
    How glorious not only to spend some special time with a dear friend, but to concoct such MAGIC!! Oooh...the rose petals...the fairy delicious and fun!
    I can imagine the scent and the decadent feel of the
    So happy for you....
    How is your week going, dearest Lady?
    I am thinking of you! :)
    Love and blessings....
    - Irina

    1. Hi bubbles :D
      Yes I got this one, yes, we had fun, I always do with her....she's such a fun character and I'm easily amused.
      Well my week is going ok, lots of different things happening and I feel myself getting ready to cocoon or hibernate....some kind of "night of the soul" ?

      I always love seeing your messages.

  3. This post was such a delightful read! It sounds like you had an amazing time - the recipe sounds delicious - I'll have to make some of this for myself and daughters - I will be featuring your post in this week's Home and Garden Thursday,


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated and responded to when possible.