Monday, September 30, 2013

Flowers for my 2nd Florida Summer

Hi everyone!

We in south Florida do not experience Fall, or Autumn, we get our 2nd summer. We have 2 seasons exactly, a wet summer and a drier summer....that's it. We have other things we can do, but autumn colors are not one of them.

As it happens in bloglandia, I will see a picture and off goes my muse into fantasy land of self amusement and delight! Only to find I need to hone it in a bit to make it realistic and doable. I wanted changes, not just a little ''Fall'' decoration South Florida Fairy Style, but a whole house feel. Even the housemate says, "flowers make a home".....he gets it now! lolol...

So I bought common ones and did a few arrangements around the house.....but what is odd, is that the one I love the most happens to be made only from what was left from it will see below:

I couldn't get my beloved white lilies, so I got some gladiolas, at $4.00 per bunch its a great deal!. I added my own greens. Pink is definitely allowed in my all white living room, very much so lolol.

 By the entrance, the common carnation.......and my latest Georgette creation, a shorter version of this one

 On the table, I'm keeping a silver tray from Christmas, which I change now to the seasons. I JUST decided I can do seasonal changes to my decor 4 times a year! Thats alot for me, I don't like redecorating every week as some do, and I love seeing what they do and am amazed at their creativity, but I don't have the desire to do it myself, but 4 times a year, pretending I have those seasons here lolol, is ok with me. So this one is fall with white pumpkins and pale gourds, a few starfish and seashells on burlap and a large feather.

And then I decided to put some lights inside the fireplace but didn't have a long enough cord for that and I'm tired of cords etc, so I just added this one candle holder and my glitter branches bent and wedged to make an arch and some are inside too and sparkle with the candlelight! Its quite magical in person and I love the woodsland feel to it!

 The thing I fell in love with most is the the mantle arrangement which was ONLY all the greens left over from the bunches of flowers! this arrangement of just greens and baby's breath in an urn! Quan Yin went to my bedroom for a while as this greenery takes the focal point.

sorry they're a bit blurry but when I went to take clearer ones, the battery died and I don't have the patience, but you do get a good idea here anyway....:D:D:D

 In my bedroom I put the iron candleholder and Quan Yin.
This arrangement was inspired from a picture online, I couldn't believe I liked it with the ''humble mum".....but I did and here it is.


 The kitchen table gets the colors. These are pale yellow carnations with raspberry alstromerias.



Love my crystal candle holder!

This is all for today my lovelies, enjoy your flowers, be they carnations or roses, love them well!

Sharing this post with A Return To Loveliness

and with The Charm of Home

and with Common Ground: Be Inspired

and with Rooted In Thyme

and with Rose Vignettes Fresh Cut Friday

and with Shabbilicious Friday

and with My Romantic Home



  1. your florida fall decor looks beautiful. I love it!
    have a wonderful week Lady...

  2. Hello beautiful Lady! I can see you´ve been spreading your fairy magic all around the house LOL Liked all the flowers, and your exquisite candle holders too... but completely fell in love with pink gladiolas! (my mother always has had gladiolas in her garden and when I was a little girl she usually made wonderful and delicate arrangements for my birthday, so they bring me precious memories of childhood) Oh, and I´m completely delighted with your talent and taste for flower arrangements, it´s a pity you cannot work doing this any more because it would be really your kind of business...
    Warmest hugs from the "monastery",
    K. (still enjoying solitude)

  3. I love that Ikea candle holder in the fireplace--looks so lovely! Your flowers are so pretty--that first arrangement is especially breathtaking!

  4. Beautiful vignettes! I adore all of your arrangements! I wish we still had flowers :( All of ours died last night with the first frost. Always lovely visiting you! Hope you're having a wonderful week!
    Jennelise xo

  5. Yes, dearest Lady, I totally agree that fresh flowers make a home...everything mood, the energy...and I want to thank you for sharing your STUNNING arrangements and gorgeous wonder you have done this professionally!! :))) Inspirational, dear friend, as always...those pink gladiolas are SO beautiful in the white room! Oh, I love everything... :))))
    And a beautiful new header too....
    Love and bubbles sent your way... :)
    Big hugs,
    - Irina

  6. WOW! Those are some beautiful arrangements. I love how you captured the light side of Fall.
    Thank you for joining in for Fresh-Cut Friday!

    Enjoy the rest of your weekend!

  7. Lovely flowers and the autumn decoration too!!!!!!!


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