Saturday, August 24, 2013

Roses and the Effects of Gardens

Hello Lovely Ladies!

Just wanting to share some lovley flowers, as in roses, one of my favorites. I bought some at a market I never go to often, but I had to stop in and their flowers are amazing. I bought cream and pale green tipped roses, lite pink spray roses and baby's breath, too sweet.

One morning my bed looked too naked for some reason, so I put a silver stenciled tray there with roses and a candle. Every time I walked by and saw this, a big smile filled my soul.


The purity of white never fails......

 Do I see a heart in that rose??


I could never live without flowers in my life. How barren is a soul without them. This is why I became a florist.

I am landscaping the front yard. WE all, everyone, myself, the housemate, the neighbors, the butterflies, the passers by, the insects, trees....all of us, need some beauty in our lives.

Some sneak peaks at the flowers in the front yards gardens.
I'm seeing fun responses from people. First John, the owner, when he pulled up to the house when the plants were in their place, he said....and I quote, and mind you this is "STRONG" language for him......'oh shit' for him, this is huge. :D The stoic neighbor to the right of us saw the magnolia tree I'm going to plant and he was smiling and watching as I unloaded all these things from my car, an unusual response for him, and he asked me what it was. When I told him a Magnolia, he got excited and asked if that is the one with the huge scented white flower, yes I said, he loves that tree! He asked me where I'm putting it and when I told him, he approved. I want only flowering and fruit trees plants and bushes. He saw all the colors and he was impressed. I feel he got inspired. Said he wanted to put 2 in front of his house.
Yesterday as we planted, the neighbor to the left decided to take out some garbage they had sitting in their yard for 2 years. Thank you God! They walked it out to the corner for pick up, On the way out, they pointed to Mussaenda Square with the colorful purslane in the sun beneath and they were smiling. We never see them smile, they are workaholics.....but John saw this and creeped up to me sneaky like, LOL to tell me he spotted them pointing at the beautiful white and colorful square and smiling in joy. John himself was full of smug and smiles, pride and joy too :D
The neighbors across the street when they got home from work, both stood at their door staring our way and gave me the biggest cheesy smiles I have seen from them, and they were waving in a very friendly fashion.
This morning I saw a man walking past and his eyes got stuck on the row of colors and he walked staring and staring. He walked looking backwards, then remembered why he was out there and started calling for his dog again who was lost. LOL
Also this morning the stoic neighbor's wife, came over to ask me about all the plants, where I got them and how much etc, because she sooooo badly wanted flowers and a fountain too like I have. She seemed so sad but perked up when I told her how cheap I got them all for and where to get more. She decided she was going to plant flowers in her space in the back where she likes to sit on her rocker after work. I told her I would help her if she needed it.
I have seen so much in responses to the beauty of the Mother and Her plants, colors and flowers, and that this is the very medicine needed for humanity. I wanted to give at least those near me this medicine through my front garden for all to see.
The night blooming jasmine adds intoxication to the beauty so that all senses are involved and one can understand how real it all is, how powerful and visceral  is Nature, how necessary is Her Beauty.

This is the only open magnolia flower. I bought this tree with only 2 buds, many had already been opened. But this variety produces all year round, so we are in for more heavenly Magnolia Scent.

This is White Mussaenda Square, with a variety of flowers in there which should be wonderful when they fill out. I have begonia in both white and pink, vinca in white and fuschia, purslane which are open now, in coral pinks and yellows, a hydrangea and azalea which are dormant right now, but should look wonderful when they bloom again. They should bloom when the White Mussaendas are done.

oh, see that little pigmy date palm in the background? that one never did well, and from now on what doesn't produce flowers or fruit goes. The Magnolia tree is going in that spot.

 Is this color not PURE HAPPINESS people??? It says, ''we are small' but oh so bright! :D:D:D "

I will show more pictures of what is planted soon. I'm hoping to get the Magnolia tree in and Quan Yin's garden finished to take all the pics.....hopefully. But it is all so very beautiful already.
 The Bougainvillea, alamander and lantana go all down the fence towards the house, and they do need to fill out.

Plant gardens and flowers everywhere you can! Leave a legacy of beauty.

Thanks for visiting!

Sharing this post with Fishtail Cottage Garden Party

and with Home and Garden Thursday

and with TIMEWASHED: Blissful Whites Wednesdays

and with My Romantic Home



  1. I so love this post! Everything about it! The photos. The message. The bringing of joy and inspiration, to others. Everything...

    You are a precious neighbor, and I do hope those around you, appreciate this.


  2. So beautiful your garden grows! I can imagine playing relaxing harp music and sipping tea there! Thank you for sharing your gifts!
    Have a beautiful and blessed day!

  3. gorgeous flowers....
    what an amazing garden!
    I think I did spy a heart in that rose!

    1. Flowers are amazing. One only needs to grow them or buy them for instant glory! :D

  4. What a wonderful gardener and neighbor you are! I love magnolias, just from seeing them in pictures,I would love to smell one, one day. xo

    1. Thank you Barbara. I can't wait until the Magnolia is planted though and grows lots more blooms, right now it has only one, but the scent is amazing.
      Thanks for visiting. How have you been?
      blessings, lady

  5. Your flowers are so pretty--and I do see the heart! I love the scent of night blooming jasmine--lovely post :)

  6. Good afternoon sweet Lady!!!!

    Roses are always a special way to bring drama, peace, romance or a fresh perspective into a room or garden! I had wanted a climbing rose bush this year in my yard, but the only kind that thrive here and survive the winter are WILDLY PROLIFIC! My husband did NOT agree to it.

    But your heart-centered rose and the other bouquets you are showing are so lovely, and what a great photo shoot to put the tray on your bed! Peace and silence is evoked by such a scene.


  7. Śliczne bukiety z róż, no i te białe drobne margerytki są piękne,takie delikatne:))

  8. Bless you, weaver of beauty and magic!!! :)))
    Every time I visit here, it feels like I'm entering a sacred space, so I just want to THANK YOU for sharing your world and ideas with us....
    Your lovely bedroom vignettes, dearest Lady....LOVE!!!

    And isn't it thrilling when your hard work of creating beauty begins to rub off on those around you!??
    Love to you, my friend!
    - Irina

  9. Oh Serena....this is such a BEAUTIFUL POST!!! You are so right EVERYONE NEEDS FLOWERS IN THEIR LIFE.



  10. Your roses and other flowers are simply divine!


  11. We took out all of the grass at the home we are in now just so we could have more shrubs and flowers for the wildlife.
    I don't think I could live in a concrete city where there are few of the beauties of nature.
    It would appear you understand Mother Nature well and how flowers and other plants nurture our souls.

  12. Stunning pictures. I wish I had a garden. I grow basil and rosemary on my balcony, but I don't have a green thumb, I always forget to water them!

  13. Good evening dearest Lady Serena! How I would LOVE to teach French to adults! I actually am offering Skype lessons if you ever want!

    It will be fun to get back to school; our weather has finally cooled off but last week, what a horrible heat wave we had. One of the teachers at my school blacked out from working in her hot classroom without proper ventilation or hydration. Here's to a great September my dear! Anita

  14. Your garden is blooming beautifully! Love these roses and the Baby's Breath is beautiful! I am delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,

  15. Hi Lady!! The flowers look so wonderful...You can never go wrong planting flowers & trees is a benefit to people & Nature <3 Loved the pictures of the I need to get some LOL Thanks for sharing the gardens!!!

  16. Your roses and garden are gorgeous!! I always love looking at your beautiful photos, so pretty. Hope your doing well. Have a wonderful week!!


  17. Roses is my fav flowers ♥ Love your blog!!!!!!


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