Thursday, July 11, 2013

Abundant Summer

Hello Beautiful People!

Just want to share a lovely lovely, most wonderful is my most favorite in the whole world.....Gratitude!.....and accompanied by Beauty, equates to JOY!

Just sharing some pics, lots of pics....of what I have in abundance today and I am so very very grateful. They are all 640x480 so should not overload your PC lolol......I go through that, so I keep them small. Enjoy!

This is our Specimen White these in the summer to cut and bring in their lacy white beauty! These do need trimmings and lucky for me they are perfect to put into vases. :D:D:D

 Next to the Plumbago, is the Thryalis, is a very fragrant bush with little yellow flowers, a must have !

My favorite orchids are the Vanda Orchids, in almost any color....they bloom more often than other varieties and such large blossoms. And I love love their long hanging very exotic.

 This gorgeous purple Vanda is next to the Lemons of which there are many :D, and will take months before they turn yellow.

 This is lovely early morning sun from the east, hitting both!!

The cut and trimmed White Plumbago bush is now in vases to go around the house.

 The back porch is roofed but open and the morning sun hits it. The washer/dryer are out there and I keep it covered in a painters canvas from Lowe's. I bought that canvas because of all the blogging ladies who were making curtains and bed ruffles etc from it and I got excited. But when I opened the package the stench of chemicals hit me hard. I washed it several times but could not get the fireproofing chemicals out of it and I certainly didn't want it inside the house much less on my bed sleeping with it. It stayed outside on top of the machine for months when I decided I needed to cover both washer and dryer with something better than the plastics I had on them....and lo and behold....there was the canvas sitting there! and when I opened it, the size was perfect when cut in half to cover each one! Love when that happens! On top of the dryer I keep a copper water fountain with bell chimes, love this delicate sounds when the round floaters go around and around and randomly hit the various sized brass bells, it is enchanting. I also have a vase of sea shells which I love to see everywhere.

Abundant plantains......these had to be cut early, but I will eat them sauteed with garlic oil!! YUM-O!

Abundant Avocados!.....a tree branch broke off and lots of avocados were on that piece, these are only a few of them. My neighbor's tree is right next door and they let me pick whatever I want. Love that!

Abundant collards.....I juice them. I like to make sandwich wraps with them too, and hummmm....its been a while, I think I'll make a sandwich wrap using these collards as the bread/wrap part and mix in some avocado, onion, tomatos, herbs and some kind of cool dressing! yep! that's a PLAN!

I saw a picture of this on blogland somewhere, fell hard in love, and had to make my own version. I love this for the summer especially here in South Florida where Beach is the common theme. But I adore Sea Shells, flowers and candles, so how easy was it to put them all together on a silver tray? Love!

My napkins or serviettes as they are called by my love Pammie, and guess what?........I used one finally!....and I could not believe how soft it was on my face! compared to the paper towels I've always used....oh boy! I need to love myself more and use these gentle, simple, bucolic, poetic, beautiful cottons instead of paper products. These can be washed with any laundry, so I'm in love. Sighhhh.

 What I'm wearing today.

Abundant linen. I'm going to make several draw string loose summer pants, with some long lose ruffles on the bottoms, and other fun details......


My bureau today....simple.....seashell and lots of crystals with Mother Mary.......candle.


Hand made soaps and bath sister makes the best most luxuriating moisturizing best smelling soaps!

My collection of salts for Himalayan Salt, Sea Salt, and Rock Salt......

On the porch.......beautiful begonia~!

Love love love these variously toned pale pink hydrangeas.........

Cedar Window begonia, lysimachia or creeping jenny, and coleus.

arghh! this wall still needs to be painted, but not until October or some seriously cooler weather!

The avocado tree got a support for the heavy branches filled with avocados growing fast !

My newly painted bedroom wall on the outside, got a little garden with various cute. That white snow looking stuff are Jasmine petals fallen from the top of the huge bush, the smell is heavenly.

I am very grateful for today. Abundance was everywhere, I had no pains, and Life was good!

sharing this post with Coastal Charm

and with A Return to Loveliness

and with Rooted In Thyme

and with Home and Garden Thursday

and with The Charm of Home

and with Cottage Garden Party

and with My Romantic Home: Flowers

and with Chic on a Shoestring



  1. So much Beauty made my Soul smile... (wherever it may be!)
    Love you always,

  2. OMG!! How come I have not found you before this???? Thanks so much for stopping by . I came by to say thank you and found your amazingly beautiful blog that i need to spend more time visiting when I have more time!!
    I am now following you and added your blog to my blog roll....


    1. lol....I have no idea why you haven't found me before lolol....but lucky you, now you are here LOL...just kidding! I have been to your blog so many times, I thought you were already in my circle....but glad you made it in real space and time . I do have fun visiting your blog and reading your posts, you make me smile. thanks for your kind comments and welcome! make yourself a nice tea and read away!

  3. Oh what beautiful abundance you show us! 'Tis the fruitful season, especially when you have taken the time, to gather so many beautiful flowers, around you.

    Love the top, you are wearing today!

    Hope you share pictures of the easy living pants, you hope to make... -happy sigh- They sound perfect.

    Gentle hugs,
    "Auntie sezzzzzz..."
    "In Dragonfly Hollow"

    1. Thank you Auntie, yes I will post the pants, I've taken out the machine, its set up now for me to sew....its been years since I've made them, but they're easy. Thanks for visiting again! love to see you here.

  4. What a gorgeous calming amazing post!!!
    I'm now hungry for avocado wraps lol
    What a gorgeous blouse that it.
    Your garden and your attitude are lovely:)

    Thank you for sharing this!

    1. oh thank you so very much, how wonderful the comments, they are as warming and lovely as the fruits of my garden themselves!
      you are most welcome!
      blessings, lady

  5. I am so very happy to know that YOU are happy and well! Yippee!!! Bubbles all around! :)
    Dearest, what I see here is Shangri-La!! You are extraordinary....
    And where oh where did you find those bath salt containers? Yum!
    Thank you for sharing your beautiful, magical always I am beyond inspired....
    Love and blessings, lovely friend!
    - Irina

    1. Thank you, I know you are happy, I can feel it all the way over here :D:D
      I got the triple set at a store we have called Kirklands, they are online too. I googled it and I found this page, but not the exact set I have, but they do have others, they always do.
      The great this is their prices are always cheap lol. love that.
      Well Shangri La is always a Place I wanted to create, but you didn't know that, and I still want to create a huge one....and I do mean
      thank you as always for your effervescent bubbles.

  6. Your garden is looking like paradise--what lovely flowers! I love the white bush of course. :) I am so jealous you can grow avocados--I have never even seen an avocado tree! I eat avocados everyday--I think they are so delicious. I am quite addicted to them.

    1. It is quite lush especially with all the tropical storm rains we've gotten! phew! and now we have the fruits coming, the plantains, the avocados, the mangoes soon, my fav! and more flowers and tomatoes soon, lemons later, and I'll be planting veggie and flower seeds when I can go out there for any amount of time to work and tend to things again, without passing out from the heat/humid! gosh...
      avocados are so very healthy for you and all the healthy fats you need are in them. Good choice for an addiction!


    How marvelous it is to see you and your peaceful abode! I love everything about what you have done, from the sea shell and candle display to that awesome sea bath salt collection (those decanters are FANTASTIC!) How important it is to create an environment that is conducive to peaceful living. And for US, it's all about white and natural. I love your idea about the collard greens; I have been juicing with kale, banana and blackberries (thanks, Irina!) and now I am thinking about collard! Your plant is so pretty with its blue/green hue!

    I have been BEYOND busy; a trip to California to see family, taking a class and working on a covered patio here at home has been FUN but time flies!

    Thank you so much for coming to visit me; it really is special to see "old friends" come by.

    Sending you my fondest wishes for continued joy. Anita

  8. Your garden is absolutely beautiful! I have a blue plumbago, but your white ones are stunning! I need to cut mine more so I can enjoy them indoors. Oh, to have an avocado tree close by! Yum! How nice that would be! I love avocados. :) Have a wonderful weekend!

  9. What a beautifully abundant post! Love your flowers - I don't have a Plumbago - must add one and look for the yellow flower too - the orchids are amazing and would LOVE to grow avocado - you can do so much in Florida - beautiful post! Sorry to be so late visiting - you just never know what will happen in a day! I am so delighted that you shared with Home and Garden Thursday,


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