Monday, March 18, 2013

Thrift Store Chandelier

Hello Everyone, :D

I had done a project a month or so ago, and didn't post because I've been busy doing other work, but it seems I miss blogging too much.

But I found a chandelier in the thrift for $25.00. It was really dirty, and the candle covers were broken and so old, I really think this thing is older than 50 years! and was never cleaned in that time either! I liked it and bought it. Then I bought the candle cover replacements and some bulbs. I cleaned it up, painted it white of course :D and hung it. I'm still undecided whether or not I like it, but there it is hanging. It is also quite bright! much brighter than I'd prefer so I have to get 10watt bulbs instead of the 15watt I have in them.
I thought at the time that I would totally add strands of crystals and some prisms, I added only 6 for a touch, but out on that porch I have, I thought simplest was best. Yet it seems off somehow and I'm not sure what it is.

I don't know if I like it, oddly, I wonder what you think?

Here it is as it was found in the thrift:

As I was on the ground cleaning it, my housemate reminded me that I have a beautiful new potting bench ! LOL that I could work on instead of bending down and being hurt for days....what a thought! LOL I keep forgetting this because I've worked for years bending and squatting, still not used to this beauty full bench! :D
So I'm cleaning it here........

It has lots of great detail and a nice pendant tip.......

I love the arms!......

Didn't take pics of the painting process, I used Annie Sloan's Pure White,  nor changing out the candle covers, nor putting in the bulbs LOL, but here it is finished and hanging. I had to cover the awful box with a cotton napkin tied with tulle....... till I find another solution.

During the day.....

I kinda loved the other lamp I had there, but thought this chandy would be better, but not so sure now....

What do you think??

Thanks for listening!



  1. Hello Lady, I love your chandy and you got a great deal, such beautiful ornate detail. I think it would look lovely anywhere in your home. Perhaps your simpler light fixture looks better on your porch because it's not as formal looking. I agree that keeping the chandy simple would work best for the porch if that's where you decide to keep it. Don't know if I'm much help, but it is indeed beautiful. Since I am currently chandyless I go a little crazy when I see one as pretty as yours! Nice to see you blogging again!

    1. I don't have room for it in the home, every ceiling has the much needed fan and no other space for a light sadly. It will have to find a better expression or find a new home LOL
      yes, maybe its too formal looking? that could be it....need to make it more funky ?

  2. I love it! Nice transformation, I would not add any more crystals, but I would do something with paint or wax (?) to show off the detail on those lovely 'arms'! xo

  3. I Love both! I have the same chandelier (for over 3 years now) that I have not redone! Yours looks great, maybe put the small light in your bedroom? I love how the small one glows.
    Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, I think the small one? the beaded one, glows nice because it is outside, it is in another corner, I didn't take it too far in case I put it back up with the strung fairy lights along the top, the two together were magical.
      enjoy your week too.

  4. Love the new chandelier, perhaps you might like to do some hi-lighting with some other paint, perhaps some gold or the pearl you used in your bedroom? It might look more angelic, feathers anyone! Sure what ever you do will bring you joy. Mary Anne

    1. MaryAnne I love the pearl and feathers idea! will play with that! but it does need some highlighting or something I'm just no thrilled and I need to be thrilled LOL thanks!

  5. I LOVE the Chandy. I can't decide if I love it more by day or night..
    Your such an artist. :)

  6. I love them both too--I think the old one is more your style--if it was for me I would want the new one. They are both so pretty! You got a great deal and did a good job fixing it up!

    1. Thanks, but I think the new could be my new style if only I could get the right look on it which I have no clue right now lol....will work on it.

  7. OMG... OMG... you won´t believe this... but I´ve started working on an antique chandelier just today... and you had the idea of posting about yours the same day I started mine!!! I still feel SO thrilled about these synchronical events, no matter how often they happen LOL LOL LOL I´ve already moved into my new house, very busy days around here as you can imagine (I have Internet reconected since yesterday evening so only then I received your last email, but I promise to answer as soon as possible). Blessed be, my Anam Cara, for being a constant reminder that True Magic does exist... and welcome back again!

    1. LOLOL yes, nice to see that still. I soooooo need it, even now my heart is pumping so hard it hurts.....need to be calm and feel safe.
      "Funny" how I decided to post it suddenly, yes, I wasn't going to. I guess it was for you.
      So glad you are ''connected'' again to the net and I look forward am waiting to hear from you....soon! no pressure LOL

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hmmmm, since you are soliciting honest opinions.. I know white is your color, but it just doesn't do much for that great piece on it's own.. I kind of agree that it needs a contrast color on it to really pop. I kind of like the other light better for the space if you keep your chandy the color it is now! Gorgeous piece though, and well worth the price! xxx Love, Leslie

    1. I agree, it needs something, but what kind of contrast? I wonder about replacing the other one too with strung fairy lights along the top which makes it much better. But there must be a way I can love the chandy too right? thank you.

  10. IT IS PERFECT! I have got to share some photos of the finds I have obtained and that are giving me so much pleasure. LOVELY AND WELL PLACED MY FRIEND! Anita

  11. Hello dearest wonderful to see another post!
    The chandelier is gorgeous....but I truly can never have enough sparkle...(more prisms, more crystals...but that's just me...hee)
    It really is beautiful, though...
    Sending love your way,
    - Irina

    1. I agree ANYTHING can use more sparkle, but I'm not sure how that would look out in that Florida porch....I will have to work on this....change the chandelier somehow, maybe covers for the bulbs? I just wait for the inspiration because I loathe trying to ''figure it out''. LOL
      thank you for the love waves!

  12. Great chandelier and wonderful transformation. I wouldn't add anymore crystals I would add some wax to age it more and bring out the beautiful detail.


  13. Oh my...I love this beautiful chandelier! What a lovely job you did to bring out it's true loveliness.


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