Friday, March 22, 2013

Only Flowers Today

I went shopping today to my favorite little Italian Market Doris's. I bought flowers and lots of greens!
I also cut some of the variegated hibiscus that is outside, its sooooo beautiful! even inside.
In the cloche I have lots of orange hibiscus. They only last a day, but look lovely in the cloche.

On top of the apothecary chest, some cut giant begonia flowers......housemate said they look like giant baby's breath :D

On the little French cabinet......roses.....

In the middle room, in front of the window I have a printer, I have to always have something lovely on it. These are the cut variegated hibiscus with begonia flowers in pink.



In the hall.....a sweet peony arrangement........not real. .....but lovely all the time! :D

On the coffee table......roses and candlelite......

In the ''new Bohemian White Bathroom''......never made a post yet because I'm not thrilled with it, but I think with clever photography it could look fantastic LOL,,,,,but I'm not that clever one, alas.


 I do love this wall though!

On the sink..........

In my bedroom, the white lilies are fading out

and I added some giant begonia frilly and lacey!

In the living room some fresh white lilies opening with the older ones.....never want to be without these again!

They give off their scent when I need it most at night as I lay on the sofa. Even housemate can smell them.
Thats my soft really warming blanket folded there for when it is a bit chilly, being under it are some of the most wonderful moments!

One of my cattleya orchids snapped off....

.into my hair it went!

Tea tyme..... thanks for being here.

Sharing this post with Rose Vignettes Fresh Cut Fridays


  1. Hi,

    You have a very lovely home.... and I notice lot's of lace.... just my kind of thing. I'm admiring the white curtains too.

    Flowers are always a nice thing to have in a home... so romantic and beautiful!

  2. Such beautiful blooms, nice job with all of them! xo

  3. I am loving all your flowers. Those ones your housemate says look like baby's breath are really pretty. I agree they do--I love the dainty look of flowers like baby's breath.

  4. Like heaven on earth, dear friend!! Oh it is all so very inspire me so much...
    And what a treat to get a glimpse of precious YOU!
    I LOVE flowers in my home...elevates living, doesn't it?
    How are you doing? Many wishes of love and light, dearest Lady Serena...
    Big hugs,
    - Irina :)

    1. :D Thank you dear Palomasea....I am loving flowers, their presence keeps me sane and elevated absolutely. hugs to you too.

  5. So pretty! Thank you for sharing this perfect post on Fresh-Cut Friday. I'm so happy you did!

  6. Just popping in to say hello and give a warm hug! :)
    Wishes for a beautiful week, dear friend...
    Seeing these flowers brings such joy...we are having gray weather, and even some snow is in the forecast...eek!
    Blessings and love,
    - Irina

  7. How beautiful! Thank you for sharing!


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