Sunday, July 22, 2012

Natural & Fragrant! Mosquito Repellent

Hello Everyone.
You may have heard me say I make all my own body products for my self and for others, for health, beauty and hygiene and care. One of the most fragrant things is my natural mosquito repellent. I make it mostly for the housemate John because he sits outside for hours and hours.
If I do have to work out there or I just must sit outside, doing so as comfortably as possible is the only way for me, and that includes no scratching and itching from crazy mosquitoes....I swear I haven't figured out their purpose in life yet!!

So in my quest to repel them but to smell good and to not hurt my skin or my blood by the skins ingesting of topical things, I make my own spray, not totally from scratch, but why if the basics are already readily available?
Again, I do not really measure anything and I use what I have and it can change. The point is, that it does the job. So roughly here is the general recipe for the spray:

1/4 cup Florida water
1/4 cup Witch Hazel in any of its scented varieties from the health food stores, I use Thayers.
 Into this I add the following pure essential oil, NO synthetics EVER.
10 drops citronella essential oil
10 drops lemon or eucalyptus essential oil or both if you have them (I add whatever I have on hand)
10 drops patchouli ~  makes this smell crazy gorgeous!!
10 drops lavender to help in case you do get bit, you don't feel it as much
 I shake well.......:
 I mix these essential oils in the Florida Water and Witch Hazel because these both contain a small amount of alchohol and this blends the essential oils well and disperses them and keeps them mixed. Essential oils normally do not mix with water, they separate, but in alcohol they mix well and stay that way.

The ingredients are on the wooden board, do not mind the background, I don't have time for ''styling'' :D

 Then I add some distilled water to top off the amount in the spray bottle I use.
I also add from my herb garden fresh cut tulsi/holy basil and fresh lemon grass and fresh rosemary into the bottle because these herbs also are natural repellents and because the alcohol extracts their properties and scents and make this blend a divine perfumed repellent.

That's it.
Spray freely for prevention and you won't get bit.
Housemate says it works about 85%, but when I ask then how many times has he got bit, he says not at you figure the percentages .  : roll

Enjoy! You will smell divine and not be bit by mosquitoes.

Have an itch free summer!

Sharing with Beyond The Picket Fence: Under $100.00 Linky Party 

and with No Minimalist Here  

and with 2805 Potpourri Friday 

and with Chic on a Shoestring 

and Rooted in Thyme



  1. This sounds wonderful! I will play around with this one. You have the best ideas, dear Lady. How is the Etsy coming along? xo

  2. thank you barbara, let me know how you like it if you try it.
    Etsy.....sigh.....still can't get signed on with my email. They tried to help but then it just stopped. My email is ''deactivated'' on that site and I don't want another one, unless that is just me stopping myself......I dunno.
    we'll see, blessings, lady

  3. Good morning beautiful lady!!!!!

    It was so nice to see your comment and I am now back in the SEAT where every morning, I check my favorite blogs. I am so happy to see you have a new post, for I need to come up with a natural remedy for mosquito control!!! Last night we had a magical evening of story book reading on our new deck but I must have been bitten 10 times during the magic!!!

    Oh, I see that you are familiar with Magnolia Pearl! AND THE SOUTH OF FRANCE company.....I was there about 10 years ago and dearest, you would love what you see there. I speak French and deal with many French people, and the "southerners" are just about the most wonderful and CREATIVE people around. The beauty you see in the shops filled with ARTISAN work would take your breath away.

    Now to start another fine summer day. CIAO! Anita

    1. boy Anita, I wasn't feeling too fine this morning, but reading your words sure did put a big cheesy smile on this face! How do you do that! My heart spirit lurched and almost left my body when I read that you were doing story book reading on your new deck! how I wished I could have been there! is there any more magical pastime than that? conjuring up the imagination where beautiful ideas are born.....maybe reading around a large fire surrounded by other magical beings who create a magical world?? what AM I doing in this neck of the planet anyway! oy.
      Yes, the southern French seem to share my souls desires. And one day, with a special guide I will make a trip there to meet some of them. I loooonnnnng so much for an artisan village, to live in one would be so much fun! ...a cross between a Renaissance Faire and Cirque du Soleil! what do you think? would you join ?? color! music! dancing! happiness! sharing! every day! :D

  4. This sounds great. Seems like it would smell really good too. Thanks for sharing it!

    1. It does smell wonderful and is refreshing to use. The basic ingredients will last you quite a few bottles of spray, so its economical as well. Enjoy!

  5. Dear Lady!!!

    Oh how nice it is to see your comment today! Yes, my husband and I make it a point to incorporate FAIRY TALE LIVING in our lives. He has made it a point as well to make our house look like something out of a fairy tale. But reading WIND IN THE WILLOWS or poetry keeps our imaginations riding high, just the way we like it.

    BE WELL and enjoy this fabulous day. Make your life a fairy tale with:


    How can you go wrong with these things?


  6. Ooooooo, Wind in the Willows is a fabulous piece written by Kenneth Graham! MY FAVORITE illustrated version is with Ernest Shepherd's sweet pen and ink sketches. It is a delightful story of FRIENDSHIP in the animal world. You must read it in the most idyllic setting you can find. We read it last night on our deck, over looking the garden with the fountain gurgling in the background. It's all about creating the atmosphere dearest!

    My other favorite DVDS are MISS POTTER. I love that story because it is about how Beatrix Potter lived a bold life to pursue her passion for storytelling. In her day, it was not easy being a single woman of a "certain age" let alone try to publish books. But the music and the little interjections of how SHE SAW life are magical and inspirational. OH DEAR,......MON DIEU, there are so many stories....

    We will learn more about each other this summer....oh fun! Anita

  7. I can practically smell it. Thanks for the recipe.

    1. You are very welcome. It smells like something floral, tropical, fresh, green, clean....its amazing actually. I hope you try it and let me know.

  8. Dearest Lady, thank you for another wonderful natural recipe! I have always been curious about the scent of Florida Water...citrusy?
    My dear friend Anita and I were just discussing natural remedies for mosquitoes...they are more than abundant here. In fact, the mosquito is our unofficial state bird!! Ha! :)
    Oh, and I recommend Wind In the Willows as well! A magical must-read...
    I love what you said about a place which is a cross between Ren Faire and Cirque...sounds amazing.
    Blessings and light,
    - Irina

    1. Florida Water is difficult to describe but yes, citrussy and floral. They have a Floral scent one too which I like. Yes please do try and see if it helps with your new state bird LOL !!!
      I ordered the book, and will have a magical moment thanks to Anita! I love blogging women!!! LOL
      and yes, I see my Village as one that is alive and colorful and rings every day with colorful vibrant people!......the cross of a Ren Faire and fine with me.....
      I think I'm going to make a post about show what I mean....

  9. What a wonderful spray to keep off mosquitos. This summer has been so hot in San Diego, the bugs are everywhere. I'll have to try it. Thanks so much for sharing this natural fragrant recipe on Simple & Sweet Fridays.



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