Wednesday, July 18, 2012

French White Linen Skirt

I blog as a journal, as a reminder, as a keepsake and as a form of communication with a far away friend and for those other kindred spirits with whom I am not yet acquainted. I speak from my heart and soul, authentically always, sometimes in detail as I need to, or short and simple as I need to. I appreciate all of those who read and enjoy what I'm sharing from my hearth to yours. And I welcome any and all comments, thoughts, sentiments, questions, queries or smiles.
Hello Everyone,

I've been working on many things, keeping busy helps my mood. Sewing is something I'm just now teaching myself, and it is a challenge when you have to figure everything out as you go along and detail is every step of the way. But I'm doing it.
I started a linen skirt but because I could not figure out how to do the waist part, I got discouraged for a month and left it. I had a dream last night where I saw the skirt completed and when I woke up I thought I'd try to finish the skirt and I did.

 :D       :D       :D        :D        

It is in a natural white linen and the tie is white but you cannot tell in this light. But I have more pics coming when my friend sends me the ones she took of me wearing it....she loved it!

I cannot wait to go to market wearing this beautiful flowing feminine linen skirt. It has layers and I thought it may be too heavy for south Florida but I wore it tonight and its completely lightweight and it moves like a song when I walk.
I thank God for the people in the south of France who have inspired me and influenced me.....I just love their peasant country styles!

It came out just the way I wanted it.


Feeling beautiful is such a high radiates out and makes everyone in your radiance happy too!

Sharing this with 2805: Potpourri Friday 

and with Chic on a Shoestring Decorating 

and No Minimalist Here  

and Faded Charm White Wednesday


  1. It is so pretty. It has to be cool, it just looks so airy. I finally got my supplies and a jar to make my homemade detergent using your recipe. xo

    1. It is very airy! that's the word.....airy....and I'm still wearing
      Let me know how the detergent works....

  2. Indeed it does, dear Lady...and this skirt is GORGEOUS! It looks perfect for warm weather...
    I so admire those who have the determination to learn something for themselves...
    My beautiful mother knew how to sew, and how I wish I would have asked her to teach me! I attempt sewing by hand every now and is very meditative.
    Brava to you!
    Light and blessings,
    - Irina

    1. Thank you Irina, there is a reward with sewing, it is both humbling and self gratifying at the same time. When I didn't know if my method was going to work and I got to a point where I could begin to pin, then I saw the skirt forming and I knew I was doing it right and that was a magical moment!
      I was never taught anything and everything I teach myself. This in itself can be rewarding.....and its never too late.

  3. I just adore what you are creating! I would love to have you make me some beautiful clothes, your style is so akin to my own. I also love all the ocean colors you are dying. Such creativity!
    Blessings to you

    1. Thank you Tricia :D
      If I knew how to sew properly, soon, I would make anything for you! This is my wish dress women in beautiful gorgeous feminine clothing that is both comfortable and beautiful with the best quality natural fibers! When my sewing improves I will begin. It is why I post time I will branch out and make offerings.
      How are your weddings going? you had 2 you were working on, I don't know how you do it. When we did events in the floral industry, even with lots of help I got overwhelmed.....oy! but it was fun to be inventive and visionary! hugs

  4. Oh its beautiful well done.Love Jill xx

  5. That is beautiful! I love your style. It looks so comfy too!

    1. It IS very comfy as is everything I make...that's the number one rule...the other is that its light....and this skirt though it has lots of material its airy. I'm still wearing it LOL loving it very much! and feeling very pretty!

  6. Beautiful! I have just discovered your lovely blog, Dear, and am now following you...♥♥

  7. The skirt is lovely on you! Oh, I need something like this in our 90 degrees...:))
    Dear Lady, what a BEAUTIFUL message you left on my secret garden post...thank you! And Loreena just makes everything well, doesn't she?
    Blessings and fairy sparkles to you,
    - Irina

    1. yes, Loreena has stolen my fairy heart long ago....but I didn't expect to find her there.....well.....I didn't know where I was, I was just clicking away and saw this magical door in the woods and clicked on that site, and as I'm typing my comment I see the name "Palomasea" and put 3 and 2 together LOL....I can only shake my head....I wind up at the same few favorites not knowing how related they are.......the enchanted ones are the blessed ones and I'm drawn to them like bees to honey.
      sparkly blessings.

    2. Oh, thank you! And your place is enchanted indeed!
      Off to read your newest entries...
      Light and love,
      - Irina

  8. so so pretty! Love the fabric too. Reminds me of Magnolia Pearl. Congratulations on a beautiful job.

    1. Thank you Lynn. And I love Magnolia Pearl too, she inspires me but I've always had a bit of that in me and finally making some things myself. I hope one day to dress many women in these beautiful natural comfy flowies. LOL
      blessings, Lady

  9. This is vintage the soft whites....thanks for sharing.
    stop by to visit with me if you wish.

    ciao bella
    creative carmelina

    1. Thank you. I think it is vintage inspired from a past memory where quality was the prime goal of all things in physicality.
      I did stop by and I adore your kitchen and the neutrals....which as you may have seen is my preferred palette.......whites, ecrus. beiges and all their combinations and tones. I love it. I venture off into aqua or sea foam green, lavender once in a while, but my steady and true are the I'm following you now too.
      blessings, Lady

  10. I'm now following you! yeah me!

    ciao again
    creative carmelina

  11. Your creation is gorgeous! It breathes Summer! Thank you for sharing your creativity at Potpourri Friday!

  12. Dear, dear Lady!!!

    I am finally back from a week off from Blogland. It was wonderful to hook up with an old high school friend who came to stay with us. But I am enjoying my stay HERE with my creative spirited friends and I am also ENJOYING what I see here.....are you familiar with the blog, MAGNOLIA PEARL? This is SO like her style and I LOVE IT. BRAVO MY DEAR!!!!

    Have a glorious and creative day, Anita

    1. oh a week off must have felt good yes?
      And yes I'm familiar with Magnolia Pearl, just learned about her a few months ago. She is one of my inspirations as she virtually ''gave me permission'' to create what I see in my own minds eye, no matter what others think.
      But my other inspirations come from Les Ours d'Uzes and other companies all from the South of France as it why I've suddenly developed an interest in those people as I never did before but we share the same tastes in many things ! LOL
      Welcome back, and thank you for your kind comments.
      many blessings

  13. Another lovely creation! I found your blog through your post about the market jacket--I also am inspired by the styles of Les Ours, Magnolia Pearl and others, and am beginning to sew my own versions as well, though I don't know how it will look on my plus-size self. :)

    Good luck with your sewing! I'll be checking back to see what you come up with next.

    Blessed be.

    1. Thank you! I don't think I'd worry about how it looks, only that when I wear it I feel beautiful. Its why I'm making all my own clothes now, I want to feel beautiful....and these clothes are my interpretation of beautiful clothing.....and its working LOL.....especially when others tell you also. I don't think its that the garment is all that beautiful, but when wearing something that makes you feel it, you radiate it, then the compliments come.
      I'm playing with what to make next....I think a dress, with some ruffles. pink?


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated and responded to when possible.