Saturday, June 16, 2012

White Peonies.....

There is a language in Flowers that only the Soul understands.

I understand this one.

I had a quest for the Peony. I needed its medicine and its meaning. I talked about it here . And after spending many moments reading into every lore, myth and story of this Flower, I have condensed its meaning to this:

........"And so what I'm hearing, my message is from this indefatigable Flower of Wealth, Nobility and Beauty,
The Peony......
this most sensuous and fragrant flower, though it appears delicate and feminine, she is neither delicate nor fragile, but adaptable and strong with powerful medicine, and who reigns over the forces of darkness who seek to destroy her, to live out her purpose of her dedication to a beautiful world, whilst hiding as an elemental fairy, a nymph, in the folds of a thousand petals."

2 days ago my housemate who works in Whole Foods was informed by the floor manager that they received some peonies in the afternoon. He bought me a bunch, in white.

Thousands of ethereal petals looking so gossamer and the purity that is White. And just to add an excruciating embellishment of more beauty just to take you over the edge, is a touch of pink on only a few of the outer petals......siggghhhhhhhh.........

Only the Mother.

 On the bridge that trolls had broken due to their many battles beneathe them.
The resident Elf, my housemate, finally fixed it.

Peonies on the bridge.

Do you see the excruciating beautiful pink on a few of the petals?

Peonies with sea shells.....can there possibly be any other more divine combination ??

White Peonies......mercury seashells.......sighhhhhhh.........a meditation is coming on......

I'm sharing this with Faded Charm: ~ White Wednesday

and with Savvy Southern Style



  1. Those peonies are gorgeous-how thoughtful of your housemate to bring them to you! I love peonies--I need to get some white ones!

  2. These flowers are so beautiful and your photos are fantastic. I am hooked on your blog already and am now following. I found you from Kathy's blog, Delightsome Life. I enjoyed the older posts too, I am now on a mission for the Celtic sea salt and oil from Crete! xo

    1. oh thank you for saying so. I don't think those peonies could take a ''bad'' picture! :D
      And you will enjoy the Celtic Sea Salt and Olive Oil from Crete.....let me know how it is.

  3. Oh thank you, Lady, I needed to see them. With loving hugs.

  4. Lovely and the peonies are so large and lush. I am going to make a cup of tea and peruse you blog. Have a Pink day!

    1. thank you for your comment.....I hope you enjoyed your tea! :D
      Pink.....definitely! housemate brought home some more peonies in pink and raspberry...and I love them......while they are in short season! I decided to claim that flower as mine.....I posted about it... in my post entitled "Peonies"

      Funny your avatar pic of Marine Antoinette? I've been for 2 days trying to find what the fascination with her is....

  5. The glorious petals of the peonies look like angel's wings floating in fluffy white clouds.

    1. Yes, Laura, they were truly ethereal petals that moved me to capture them in photos and I'm glad I did because I would not remember correctly how magical they are. Now we have to wait until next year for more. sigh.


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