Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Dreamy Sunny Porch

I did it. I went to the bookstore, with a friend for serious grounding when I lose my self, :D and browsed through magazines at Barnes and Nobles. I knew I would be overwhelmed with all the beauty, and so my friend was there to support me....she's a good grounding person, I tend to swoon or fly over the moon when I see things of Beauty LOL as magazines tend to do with all their carefully crafted photography! I go nuts.

Well one thing I saw stuck with me, (well a few actually LOL) but it was something I could NOW, today, immediately, LOL, with what I already have. I saw a picture with a dreamy round mosquito net hung but this one did not fall the ground but was bunched up and tied to the wood rafters on a ceiling in an outdoor garden gazebo. I wish I could show you. Underneath it was set a gorgeous table in whites, set for a sumptuous meal, with a candelabra....all outdoors.
This is why I don't buy magazines anymore aside from their crazy prices, is one just feels they HAVE TO DO SOMETHING after seeing all those perfectly decadent pictures in all those magazines! Not intentional I'm sure! *wink*

Sigh.....BUT ........ I did. lol.

Last year, I thought I was moving.....again......the house was described as a gorgeous very huge 3 story house in which 2 other ladies were going to rent with me. With the idea in mind that I was moving into such a large house with wrap around porches, I knew I wanted to see ethereal white and dreamy rooms everywhere. So I went to IKEA and bought 5 packages of mosquito netting curtains, 2 panels for only $5.00.....a steal in my opinion, (they still have them) and I could imagine them all hung up and blowing in a gentle breeze, making everything look hazy, white and dreamy. I even thought I'd hang them to cover all the walls for texture and 3dimensional interest. I honestly couldn't think of anything else I wanted in there after that except lots of candles. :D and a bed. The move never worked out and I have those curtains wondering what I'd do with them in this tiny little cottage? I didn't think I could use them here.

Well yesterday after seeing those pictures.....which did me, and this house a world of good! ........I looked around and said, they are going up and I will find a place because I want the dreamy effect they give. Summertime is fast approaching and here in south Florida, one must make good with all the beautiful sun we have.
I had one panel on a door ....and I love it. I have one on the back door too. I leave the doors open for open breezes and light, and the netting is both a discreet barrier between my world and the outer, and it does work to keep most of the tiny blood suckers out :D


But today, I wanted them all up. I've been watching one panel I had hanging outside on the clothesline for a month to see how the "fabric" would hold up to sun, winds, rains, etc. and because they are polyester and not a fabric, they hold up well, no disintegrating, no tearing unless caught in the plants, and no wear and tear....perfect for outdoor, they are very soft and wash beautifully.

I eyed the front porch and knew that is where they are going. I haven't gotten the corner brackets yet and I wanted something new, beautiful, dreamy and now. LOL.....there is no time like now, right ?

I hung them. I love them.

 I used gardening bamboo stakes for the rods and simply hung them over the hooks already there holding up the outdoor blinds. I love them!

 The color of this house is Terracotta which I adored and custom made by matching a clay pot from Italy as I adore Tuscan colors and light, yet now I'd love to paint it something else, but the ficus repens has covered most of it. So this color I'm going to have to live with. It does look good with all the green.

Without netting:

With.......see what I mean? It feels wonderful from inside. We also discovered we can see out clearly but they can't inside too much anymore.....hehehehe.

My camera seems to have a problem and my roommate just got a new card for his and I took a picture with his camera. Also mine didn't quite catch the light properly....but his is more a golden amber sunlight than a white one...In which you can see the warmth of the Tuscan colors I love on the Terracotta Clay walls. I am still adding a few touches to the front porch, playing with it like a new room, what fun!

The Evening amber light on the front porch:

As I was finishing up another project of altering a thrift find natural grass purse because I simply have to retire the Chinese silk one ( I only use one purse until it burns out : / ), I heard a knock at my door. I opened it and there was a petite woman standing there and the first words out of her mouth were "I LOVE your gardening style!" and I love the curtains!"...........what a smile came to my face. I didn't think anyone in this neighborhood was paying any attention. It was soooooo nice to hear what she was saying and I'm so glad she took the time to knock on my door to tell me so. We introduced ourselves, and she invited me to see her space and how we have such similar tastes.....but she really really really loved the curtains. I said I hung them just today and she  said "I know!....and this time I just had to stop and tell you how I love it all!"......
I promised to give her a tour of the back where the magical gardens lie with the pond, goldfish, lotus, water lilies, gazebo, arbor and all the veggie patches doing so well......because you cannot see them from the front, and she was happy. She also mentioned that she loved the shabby style and I said I do too....I was doing Shabby chic before I knew it had a name, and then I left it because it got too popular and I have a thing about being unique LOL, and now I have returned to it full force and even taking tips and inspiration from Shabby-ers to boot!..... and she said the same with her. She has all Rachel Ashwell's books and said we can look at them and through all her gardening magazines too, which is thrilling for me, because I have been wanting magazines to look through for months now.....I just refuse to pay their insane prices anymore, and I'm trying to reduce paper use for the I don't own any. And regretfully the best magazines for me, the ones that really touched my soul, and opened doors there that I didn't even know were hidden, and where it felt like they were inviting me to join them in that magical, pristine, feminine world that was my heart, were the old Victoria magazines, and I had to give them all away when I moved out of the country for a while. I am soooooo sad about that! I remember when the magazine first came out in the 80's? and I did a floral design piece that was used in the magazine. I had no idea how popular the magazine was, nor that it would be even more so.

The lady, Renee, will be back in a couple of days and we will share gardening stories and new love, and I am happy to be able to do so finally, with another human being!
Another little pretty I made today, just for fun and for extra sparkle.....crystal prisms hanging from heavy copper wire swirls.

Blessings to your and yours!

I'm sharing this post with A Delightsome Life: Home and Garden Thursday 

and with FRENCH COUNTRY COTTAGE: Feathered Nest Friday

and with Chic on a Shoestring Decorating: Flaunt it Friday 

and with The House in the roses: Show off your Cottage Monday  

and with Delightful Order Inspiring Thursday  

and with The Charm of Home: Home Sweet Home  

and with No Minimalist Here: Open House Party  

and with The Shabby Creek Cottage Transformation Thursday


  1. Ooo -- that is very dreamy looking! I love your porch -- I like the bike with the flowers in the basket. We have a screen porch that for 14 years has looked like the attic annex, if you know what I mean. We had to deal with leaks for a while so I couldn't put anything nice out there -- and the poor thing has just had to be pushed back and pushed back in the every growing list of projects. I'm sure if only we had an Ikea within 300 miles . . . .

    1. Thank you Diana, I'm loving it too when something actually works out yes? And the "flowers" in the basket are chinese rain umbrellas, I keep rain and sun umbrellas in the basket, but soooo glad they look like flowers! LOL...maybe they sell those panels online? hugs.

  2. You did a wonderful job!
    I love how you want to make things more beautiful!!!!
    The netting and the crystals are perfect!
    Can't wait to see more :)

    1. Thank you, and yes the "beautification" process in well underway, and I have something to do everyday. It is the first I'm experiencing joy by doing this so loyally. I have many projects in the works, and I'm almost finished with the "Front Gate"....soon to be 'revealed'....blessings!

  3. OMG hubs & i have been discussing how to handle the mosquito question & This Is IT!!! I Love when art/beauty is functional :)
    On a stay in Fiji once i actually did sleep in one of those draped beds & it was So exotic!
    Thank you!! Loved the parade of always!!!

    1. Dabney rose, I am finding much less mosquitoes there and I totally didn't do it for that reason, but I notice it for sure, maybe a 80% reduction on the porch which was always very populated with them...I can't tell you what a bonus this is! And yes, art/beauty/function is my way too, and even better when something is "multi" functional yes? :D

  4. Oh my this! So so so dreamy beautiful. I need to do this. What a good idea with the bamboo sticks to hang the netted curtains. You have created an enchanting enclosed haven. And thank you for coming by and sharing your heart. I so agree...I would remain a homemaker even if it were just me and my pets. It is nice to know I am not alone. ox

  5. Hi: I have just now found you cottage and it is enchanting. I am now a follower and hope that you will come to my Cottage and visit me. And I am now on my way to IKEA..Happy Friday..Judy

  6. The netting makes everything look so light and airy and I love the window jewels at the end of the post. Beautiful!

  7. I...just...LOVE this look, sweet Lady! It looks light, airy, and oh so romantic! I would love to hand some on my front porch on each of the posts. Thank you so much for the sweet story, the beautiful photos, and the inspiration! :)

    xoxo laurie

  8. Wow I love how the porch is so elegant...I love that mosquito looks nice in the doorway too...much prettier than a screen door....:)

    Love the new look of your blog too...

    I really like that panel in the sunset picture...very antique looking!

    The lace top is coming along nicely too...I am going to attempt one as soon as I fix my sewing is acting temperamental lately!!! LOL

    Have a beautiful weekend Lady!! (((hugs)))


    1. Thank you Linda, I hope your temperamental sewing machine decides to work for you, it is such a handy and now indispensable gadget! LOL sooooo much more coming, including some linen bedding.

  9. This turned out so PERFECT!!!....I do wish we were neighbors....because I love, love, love it when another wonderful woman is able to make due with what is on hand and turn it into something of beauty.

    great job.


    1. Jo, it is just that, turning something on hand into a thing of great beauty that is my mission at thing point. It is a spiritual directive I am trying to live up and it is changing life here, and everything, plants included are doing well, and all seem to be happy! It is something is humbling as well as joyful!

  10. I LOVE the curtian netting and your blog. I'm so glad I found you. I'm your newest follower and look forward to your future post!

  11. Missy Pammie LadyMay 8, 2012 at 6:41 AM

    I sent YOU Jacquie Lawson with my sincerest of The Sentiments...YOU LIFT ME UP...UP...UP...FARFAR AWAY

    1. I love and adore you too my beloved Pammie Lady ! :D:D:D

  12. The curtains look beautiful, and I love that you were able to attain more privacy that way!

  13. Lady, I am so excited for you!!! The Heirloom white bedding set is the one I have. I saved and saved to purchase it. And I am not disappointed. It is the perfect white with the right amount of ruffles for me. My furry companion Bella Bleu loves it too! I can't wait to see yours. You will feel like you are in an ethereal dream. Enjoy your new lovelies. ox Kerrie

  14. I LOVE this! Fabulous that you already had all that netting - such a brilliant idea - it sets each room so romantically - soft - I appreciate you sharing with Home and Garden Thursday,

    1. Yes :D this is what I'm trying to do, is work with what is at hand already, a spiritual directive I was given and I'm still playing with it....lots of interesting fascinating things coming from it, to my joy!

  15. Dreamy indeed! I found you at Delightful Order's link party. Hope you'll stop by and visit me at Quirky Vistas!


  16. So pretty! Thank you for joining me at Home Sweet Home!


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