Friday, September 26, 2014

Of Pink Pumkins and Green Pumkins

Hi Everyone,

I just wanted to share this rather shabby flavored post and something I find very enchanting.......pumpkins.
Many places are talking about the seasonal change to Fall or Autumn, but we don't have that here, we have only one and a half seasons, hot and humid and more hot and more humid..... however, we do get the merchandising of seasonal changes. One of them are the fall pumpkins which I've always found enchanting and magical, especially when they are carved and candles put inside them! love those.....but the orange color after half a century got a bit boring and recently I decided to claim and display my own personal palette of life and orange doesn't fit.
But Mother Nature being the most diverse, interesting, ever changing, accommodating benevolence, and having the most varied palette of all things in creation, has made pumpkins in all shades.
But here, we are talking about Pink Pumpkins and Green Pumpkins which I have seen this year for the first time ever.  I found these in Lowe's, in one box with a bunch of all the non-orange pumpkins all together and I was so delighted.

I got a pink one, and I let John choose the second color of either a white or green one, he got the green and that one is so beautiful too. This one I wanted on a proper placement of some kind, and had a perfect silver platter for it, and it even got some extra bling in the form of silver dragees. :D LOLOL

I cannot tell you how much seeing these pumpkins when I walk in the rooms delights me!

And do you see that sweet little greeting card below with two little girls having such a nice Tea Party? well I spoke with a most sweet darling lady who listened when I spoke.....and she sent me a card showing me a lovely Tea Party ....and sent me a bunch of wonderful Tea Delights to enchant even the most finicky of palates such as mine! Thank You again, Sweet Palomasea!! I can't even begin to describe to her what sensations those gifts caused.....but I will try, soon.

and the arrangements I'm keeping up on the mantle lately, not much in flowers at all, but greenery from the gardens, pothos, fern, grapevine and palm, and some faux flowers to fill in for color. :D

I'm in love with the flowering bushes of Bougainvillea and Mussaendas which do well here in our parts. I've given up on the other types of flowers and decided to just have what does well, and these two are consistent bloomers. I got some more Mussaendas and these are cut for the vase in my room. They are marvelously beautiful and so drapy, feminine and soft.

 I have several of these white ones now, since they do well. You are seeing below a peak of the new back area I'm working on slooowwlllyy. This beautiful plant is going into a beautiful pot.

 When the flowers or bracts get mature, they get long and I can cut them and put them into a vase inside. Their color and soft see through velvet petals delight me.

 This shade of pink is pure peace......

I changed out the flowers today, having been to Fresh Market and loving their flowers


and I saw something there I'd never ever seen as a florist in all my years......these green ''moss on a stick" I called them, lolol but they are a form of dianthus!......I am sooo enchanted!!  I cut them short and put them with some very fairy looking pink!!

I got another green one on sale......looks special on grey spanish moss.....

May pink surround you.

Sharing this post with A Return to Loveliness 
and with The Charm of Home 
and with Rooted In Thyme 
and with Shabbilicious Friday


  1. Oh lady, your photos delight but none more so than the ones of the opulent pumpkins. Who would have thought this vegetable could be dolled up and presented so elaborately. :) Mitch

  2. Lady, Lady, that pumpkin on the silver platter, that is MAGNIFICENT! You are up to your magical musings again, and thank you so much for your visit! I hope you are well!

    You will never believe what I found in the trash this summer. A CRYSTAL CHANDELIER! Can you believe that? I took the prisms and added them to existing chandeliers in my home.

    I loved your comment about the crow with the tied on wings - about his look of "WHATEVER!" hahhahahahahah

    May your wings sprout and flutter toward FREEDOM to create what you want. PEACE my friend!

  3. Oh I love the beautiful blooms in your house Lady! There is nothing like fresh greens and flowers to make one's soul refresh. I also love your pretty pumpkins. I love how you have the pearls adorning them! You really have a beautiful home my dear and know how much you love it.
    sending hugs...

  4. You haven't posted for a while and when I checked there are 2 new posts....Yeah like unexpected gifts. I have never seen pumpkins in pink and green. Amazing, I wonder if they have a name or were an accident in crossing breeding. In any case they are so feminine, not halloweenish at all and the presentation on the silver tray only adds to beauty. Another discovery..I have never heard or seen the Mussaendas. The flowers don't look real. I just love any fresh flowers and bring them home whenever I can.
    I cant wait to see pictures of your garden remodel, Im sure its going to be something.
    Happy Fall

    1. :D:D:D......feminine pumpkin, yes, and I think I need a few more, some white little ones too. I just love to see them around.
      Mussaendas, I know, the flowers dont' look real! Even in person they are amazing. Some beauty loving people see my large white one out front and love it. I love it. The pink is sublime, and inside in vases are some kind of exotic, velvety soft, presence of Nature that is just unreal.
      When I go shopping, its always for food and flowers, never just food, they go together, don't they? wish you lived closer! and again, glad to see you here and back. Will email you too.

  5. I was just visiting Bellas Rose Cottage and she had a post on pumpkins she had grown in previous years. What did I see but pink pumpkins and she called them Porcelain Dolls and the white ones are called Caspers.
    If you have never been to her blog, check it out...amazingly beautiful gardens.

  6. I am visiting from Sherry's party, Home Sweet Home. Oh, what pretty pumpkins! I love the pink one and the green one. I am always enchanted by pumpkins. I think it must be because of my infatuation with the Cinderella story when I was a little girl. I have seen the pink ones at the grocery store and I plan to pick one up. Love what you did with them. Thanks for sharing.


    1. Hi Sandi, I'm glad you liked the post :-) and thanks so much for your commenting. I adore these colors which also fit in with the Cinderella story as well, so maybe it is why I love them too? lol What ''I did with them'' is so minimal I feel like I didn't do anything, I simply needed the pink one to sit on something and there was the silver platter staring at me, I added the dragees because I wanted to see something on top of it, took a full minute. As for the one on the chair I happen to have some spanish moss in my hand and I was passing the rather naked looking green pumpkin and decided to put it underneath was all so non intentional, but I love the way them came out too. Thank you.

  7. I love the soft colors of the perfect pumkins that you bought! They go so well in your home. The fresh flowers are lovely too. Thanks for sharing your lovely photos with us. I saw your post over at The Charm of Home.

    1. Thank you kindly Miss Kitty for commenting and visiting. :-)


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