Friday, August 9, 2013

New Sliptop in Georgette Rasberries and Roses

Hello Everyone,

How are all of you?
I am keeping busy sewing and making flower arrangements and all kinds of indoor things until this season of sorrow passes....:D that is the sorrow is the sadness of such continued hot/humid weather, after many days and months of it, becomes a bit of sorrow....but it shall pass.

Here is a new top. I decided to experiment with sewing on what they call ''on the bias'' as I do notice from some things I have purchased that this cut does wear much better, it flows and moves better and hangs with more waves. I need that! lots of waves! I decided to torture myself and try to figure this out as well, on my own, by myself, on my own lonesome self!!........and I studied a piece I love to wear which I cannot anymore because I wore it to death, and saw it was cut in angles.....great.....the very thing that torments my brain the most.....math. But I did it after many hours, I saw how to cut my fabric with the singular and only shot I have, to cut once!, and I cut it the way this one piece was done, but this fabric was so very difficult to keep together to cut evenly, and that is another reason I love linen, it sits and stays well doesnt slip and slide and you can cut it easily. Still I continued. Used every trick to keep it in one place, but working on the floor as cutting table is painful. Can't wait till I can get a place with room for a cutting table and sewing room.....properly. Also, close to the homestretch, after sewing one piece on an entirely WRONG place and having to stitch by stitch take it off and sew it onto its proper place, I thought again, I am so done with teaching myself, and sewing myself. Wish I had a seamstress for this. I prefer designing then wearing......skip the sewing altogether but it wont work that way :D However, this one is done and I am onto 2 more pieces today.
I bought this fabric so many years ago I don't even remember when, decades. But it was inspired by a very pretty feminine country floral dress I saw an actress wearing. I can't believe I've carried this fabric around all these years! But I finally decided to make a soft flowy top with it and I'm going to make another shorter one with the 2 pieces I have left from being cut. I like this one, it feels so light I don't feel it on at all! I have to check to see I'm wearing something LOL . Its a kind of Georgette I think, in antique tones of beige's and raspberries......with little raspberries and roses on it in actuality. It is much prettier in person. I think this is something that has more color in it than anything else I have....I'm just so much settled into my white/ecru tones....both in the house tones and in my wardrobe. But this is very farm-country shabby, pretty and romantic. I love it! lol

 I love feminine touches, it makes everything better. :D  I had some things lying around and this is usually my criteria for what I use, is what I have or can create from what I have. And I had this bow in cheesecloth sitting in my dwindling lace basket and I loved it on this top, but it was too white, so I tea stained it, and now its perfect! LOL I liked it both in the front and on the back, but left it in the back, which is usually neglected but not in my world. The front got a little bit of lace, not much else. I want this piece simple. The base of the straps in the back have a little knot for interest and a extra flowing length for movement. Gotta have movement.

I added a crochet sweater to it which I did not make, I bought at T J Maxx, and this one has such long ties, I criss crossed it onto the back. Nice to keep a chill off when going into those air conditioned stores. The pants I bought at a Renaissance Faire, but I did add the lace :D:D:D

 I think I'm going to wear this alot. it feels like I'm wearing nothing and is so pretty.

After I finish the smaller top I'm going to make now with the leftover cut pieces, I'm going to try making a Kimono with some fabric I found in my old stash, such a beautiful reversible aqua blue and sea green! I love those two colors! and it has gold embroidery and a beautiful border. I think it is meant to be a Kimono which will look so very chic over some white linens........alot like this inspiration below.....I absolutely adore this picture of Yasminna Rossi with all the greys, especially her hair! the white linens? after my very heart and the grey kimono looking top is gorgeous! I am going to make one with the fabric I have, and if I am successful will find a beautiful grey fabric to make another like this picture.

Thanks for visiting!

sharing this post with A Return to Loveliness

and with Shabbilicious Friday



  1. I always get excited when I see a post from you in my mailbox!!! I love the top and the little crochet sweater. Did you crochet that as well? So feminine and pretty. I sew a lot of my own clothes, that way I know I have one of a kind. I crochet but never anything more than throws and baby blankets.
    I am crocheting a baby blanket right now for a little niece due in October.
    Soon these hot humid days will be taken over by the cooler days of fall which i much prefer. I love your posts you always inspire me.

    1. I'm so glad Deborah and thank you for saying so. I did not crochet the bolero, I got it from TJ Maxx, so nice not to have to make everything LOL....I must learn to crochet soon though, but I seriously don't want to teach myself that too. Glad to inspire you!

  2. So pretty! You have such a beautiful and distinct style all your own. Can't wait to see your Kimono. I've been thinking about making one for years, I even have the fabric and the pattern, but I just need some inspiration to make it special...that's where you come in~

    1. Thank you. I am working on the thinking part of the I want to cut it....I have to work this all out in my mind first, before I begin to cut because I have only shot you know? lol.
      I will make a note of the process to blog about it. I'm going to blog about making linen drawstring loose summer pants very shortly too......I made a mistake with the ones I just did and was horrified since I've made them before, but truly many years ago. But making mistakes I don't like, but I ''fixed'' them well enough.
      I will try to be that inspiration for your Kimono! LOL
      blessings, lady

  3. I just love that blouse. You do a lovely job designing! I hear you about the makes me unhappy too. Your house looks so white and pretty in the background of the pictures!

  4. Oh gracious, how beautiful! How I wish I could sew, like you can. -happy sigh-

    Wishing your hot/humid days to be gone-pooooof. We had a spell of them, even up North here, and it was awful. Thankfully we now enjoy what we call "Perfect Aug. Weather," in our small city.


  5. This is so pretty, it's a very stylish outfit!
    I admire your patience and talent in creating such wonderful clothing.
    You're very talented.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks for the compliments on the outfit. I wear it today with a lace scarf on my head and feel feminine, pretty and cool.
      But patience? not really :D ..... I just have no choice.....must finish it......talent will be when I no longer have to back engineer everything, and can just know what to do, how to cut and sew etc.....
      thanks for visiting!

  6. This is BEAUTIFUL!!! I LOVE the bow in the back Lady. LOVE IT!

  7. Only wish you would give us a fashion show! Hot and humid, they can drain the juice right out of you! Keep cool and thanks for sharing your delightful inspirations. Mary Anne

  8. Piękna sukienka-tunika, zwłaszcza materiał, tkanina,która się pięknie układa, pozdrawiam Beata

  9. Fabulous design and the creation will be so lovely to wear! I love the soft flowing fabric with the chintz pattern. Your crocheted sweater is the perfect piece to wear with your new design! Very Pretty!


  10. My sweet anam cara, you never stop amazing me... Sometimes I think about stealing your entire wardrobe and bring it here to wear myself!!! LOL LOL LOL Being serious, I increasingly admire your talent and will: cutting and sewing on the bias -especially if you're working with slippery fabrics like georgette- is one of the most difficult things to do, even for experienced seamstresses; but it´s true, the results are lovely, so soft and "wavy" falling... and the entire outfit with the crocheted bolero looks simply gorgeous! (by the way, if someday you really want to learn to crochet, I´d love to teach you -even by Skype!!! you´ve taught me so many things that it would be a pleasure for me to give back part of the favor...) Oh, and about the "season of sorrow", it´s funny you call that way your humid hot summer, while I would call the same our humid rainy cold winter; but in your own words, it shall pass... ´Till then, go on creating Beauty!!!

    1. oh, sorry I took so long to reply! I'm trying to not be online so much and doing more gardening and sewing. Thank you so much for your comments as always! and yes! I'd love to learn and by skype!! finally! do you have it? please let me know! LOLOL
      your anam cara

  11. Thank you so much for your lovely comment! Your outfit turned out so well, and the gray one! oh my, simply fabulous! I'm sure you'll do a great job on that one, too.

  12. I love this new creation! So special, like you! I love seeing what you are working on and how you put it all together to make an original piece. You are always inspiring and motivate others, especially me. I wish I could make something on my sewing machine other than a straight stitch. You are totally the seamstress! Thank you for all your wonderful comments, I so look forward to reading them! Happy Tuesday!


  13. I am soooo late, but I know there is always something delicious waiting your magical world.... :)
    Brilliant!! That is what you are, dear Lady....inspirational...
    Such a BEAUTIFUL blouse!!! And those pants...they make me giddy! ;)) Did you find the stunning photo at Anita's? It grabbed me immediately....breathtaking....
    I am sending you a COOL breeze....I feel the chill of Fall in the air....although in the next few days we will be back to hot and humid....
    Blessings and love to you, my friend....
    - Irina :)

    1. :D, you are never late :D.
      *happy dance* thank you so much :D.
      I did find that photo at Anita's....fell in love with it and looked into that silver haired woman and was fascinated and inspired too.....alot to learn from Yasminna Rossi, and I do plan on making that kimono/jacket as soon as I finish up the project I have going on now, one of which is landscaping the entire front yard with flowering bushes! I'm sooo loving it now, I keep going out to check on my new ''babies''....the plants LOL
      We are not out of the heat/humidity, at all, and one must be very careful, prepared and all that, just for this weather! Never thought I'd be sensitive to it, but is tough, let me tell you!
      Stay cool!

  14. This is exquisite! I have never sewn 'on the bias' and have read what you have shared - I am inspired to give it a try - truly love your clothing style! I might have to transform some of what I have!
    I do appreciate you sharing with A Return to Loveliness,


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