Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Kitchen Before.....

Hello Beautiful People,

Just wanting to post the awful before pics. I DID love this Tuscan Clay color when I chose it, matched it to a beloved Italian Clay Pot I adored.....reminded me of Italy sunsets....but now....gosh, can't stand it.

My favorite painting music song....I sing to this and I can paint LOL

Here is the inspiration for the colors we chose.......

 I'm in the process of painting the little things like the apothecary cabinet and the baskets, the shelving etc.
 This one holds the vitamins, herbs and tinctures I use as a nutritionist, and I do keep myself healthy and any who truly want to get better and follow healthy advice. I'm going to change the knob and add a stencil to the glass to detract from the contents.
John has been feeling much better with his cancer since I've been making sure he eats because I'm cooking! and the juicing he has noticed is what gives him energy since I stopped it, he felt it, and he went down. Got to juice again daily.  I give him certain herbs and oxygen pills to take. I must put them in a tiny dish and present them on a tray like an old fashioned butler and say "your medicine, Sir"...for him to take them! otherwise its just too much trouble to pick up the bottle that sits next to his coffee cup himself! If I don't make it fun for myself, it won't happen, you know??

This is the view when you are at the front door.

This is the view coming in from the back yard.........

approaching the kitchen from the front ..........oy, not liking the clay color anymore.....

looking to the right.......
the border is coming down, everything coming apart today........ceiling fan to be painted too....hate that back door, I'm planning on changing it when John is not looking. Cabinets getting painted with Annie Sloan Old White.

looking to the left, and that is the whole kitchen....its tiny!

Will see you in a few days........thanks for visiting and reading..........I love all of your comments, really!


  1. HELLO THERE MY FRIEND! I am late here, having had a busy morning!

    I hear ya about looking back on choices! But I have to agree that the lighter colors and tones give me a sense of peace and I believe that is what you are trying to achieve. You are getting it and I am loving all the progress! BRAVO AND KEEP GOING! Anita

  2. I love your little vitamen cabinet --it looks great! Thanks for sharing pictures of your kitchen--can't wait to see it done :)

  3. I can't wait to see what you'll do with your kitchen... Mine isn't bigger than yours.

  4. You are such an inspiration to me,I love all the projects you are doing.Love all the white,it is so tranquil and peaceful.

  5. Good evening, lovely Lady!
    I have finally made my way to you, and I can't wait to catch up on all of your posts...my eyes are hurting a bit less, so I can look at the computer screen longer than three minutes..yippee!
    How are you feeling?
    The little cabinet is so beautiful...and Loreena makes everything ok! :)
    Did you have a chance to see the Cirque du Soleil film?
    I am afraid we missed it here...a bit disappointed.
    Take care, be well, and enjoy the process!!
    Blessings and love,
    - Irina

    1. Hi there, I know what you mean about 'the eyes'....what is happening with yours?
      The little cabinet came out nice I love the stencil, but was not able to change the knob because I could not find one to fit....yet. I'm needing more rest, but feel I may be coming back to life lol....am looking at the bathroom with a stern eye now! LOL
      I have not seen the Cirque film yet...I have to check my theatres....
      am trying to enjoy.....I will try harder LOL


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