Thursday, November 1, 2012

Roses and Sweet Potatoe Vine

Flowers this week ....from the local market, but these are actually fragrant! I opened my car to get my basket and the scent surprised me and when I walk into my new room, I smell them~! ....such a gift ~

Sharing this post with Rose Vignettes: Fresh Cut Friday


  1. Oh, those roses are heavenly! I miss my roses. Need to get out and prune them for winter. Thanks for sharing yours!

  2. The roses make your room more magical!


    1. I love roses and flowers of all kinds, yes they make everything more magical! thank you for stopping and commenting.
      blessings, lady

  3. Oh dearest Lady, the LIGHT that is emitting from this rose, it is as if the flower itself had magical powers!!! STUNNING AND ONE OF A KIND!

    Thank you my dear for your kind comment and visit yesterday. I am crazy busy out here with my orders which is making me very happy but I need to balance my schedule out with my writing goals! FEAR NOT....CHARGE and get it done, right?

    Enjoy your ethereal world today....Anita

  4. Oh, these are so lovely! And your right... store bought roses, while beautiful, are not always fragrant. What a bonus! :)

    Thank you for joining in and adding your lovely post to Fresh-Cut Friday! :)


  5. I buy roses from Walmart every once in a while. For some reason it just brightens my day and puts me in a good mood. take care, Darlene

    1. I used to be able to buy 8 dozen roses each week! for $10.00 per dozen, and it was an amazing thing in the house. Now I'm lucky if I can get a bunch a week. These scented ones make me want them all the time. I checked wal mart today for them and their selection was not good. I can always cut some greens :D

  6. Oh, I bet they do smell wonderful. My knockout roses are still blooming. I take a moment each day to smell them. Your roses look beautiful in your window. Such a pretty shade of peach.

    1. Thanks, they did smell amazing, so nice to have a real fragrance emittimg from flowers! They looked nice in the window, I agree.
      Guess what I saw today in the store staring at me all piled up in boxes in the middle of the aisle right by the register? Nutella! I bought one. When I have a curious moment I'm going to try it. Made of hazelnuts and a ton of sugars....but it should be useful for a few

  7. What a lovely post. The roses are stunning. Beautiful color...

  8. These are indeed magically beautiful, dear friend...oh, and the scent...ethereal, yes?? :))
    Skimming the comments, I see that you purchased your first jar of Nutella??!!! Talk about tasting heaven in your mouth!! Ok, that is just my humble opinion, but please...let me know what you thought of it!! (Try dipping a strawberry into Nutella...whoa!)
    On to the newest post...
    Hugs to you, dear Lady..
    - Irina


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