Saturday, August 25, 2012

The Beauty of a Womans Heart

I love speaking of the heart. I love speaking from the heart. I love what is in my heart. I wish I could share my entire life of heart with everyone. But alas, it is not possible, for when many encounter this heart, this largesse of spirit, they do not know what to do. They fall back into their behaviors, their minds, what they believe to be proper or acceptable, etc....all that mental nonsense.

There is nothing wiser, more beautiful, more real, more authentic, more magical or miraculous than those who feel their hearts and speak from them, but mostly act from them. I adore these ones and I live to be with them.

I just saw one blogger woman who I just began following. She has a great deal of faith in the Christian tradition. And while I follow no particular tradition except that of the Heart, I see beauty regardless of where it comes from and this woman has expressed the supreme beauty of the HuMane Spirit. I am reblogging it here. I did not get permission yet, but as I await, I'm assuming it is ok if I post its entirety with her link? not sure.....but this message of the Heart and the uniquely feminine expression of the caring soul of the woman I could not pass up and want to share as fast as possible. If she objects I will remove it, but you will have been touched by this beauty of heart already.

Please ..... let us share this heart space and live from there......The world needs this heart more than ever.
Below is her post.

Just a Word on my heart............


  1. Dear Lady, how are you? I am doing better. Happy to be able to say that! I just visited the blog you spoke of here and was instantly drawn in and am now following. That is some post and it touched my heart as well. Thanks so much for sharing. xo

  2. Thank you so much for sharing this. It was on the right moment and also meant for me. You've touched me so with your beautiful energy. Thank you!!

    1. Sometimes caring alone can relieve some of the physical pains we feel....but so much is happening in the world, beyond "dis-ease" or sickness, and many women are Earth treat yourself lightly, and when it gets to be too much just reach out and do not go it all alone.

  3. Oh, this is the subject of my next blog post, but I am putting off posting for a couple of days since I am awaiting a new blog format.

    There is nothing more profound, more alive and timeless as the subject of the heart, for it keeps beating on and on, generation after generation.....Anita

    1. Hi Anita <3
      I agree, there is nothing more profound, more alive and timeless as the live from it, it exquisite! Your new post will knock me out as always! I must get myself strong to see

  4. Dear friend, I had tears in my eyes reading Heather's beautiful post.
    Thank you for the link...and the reminder to ALWAYS live from my heart.
    - Irina

    1. It was beautiful wasn't it? I love that she put it out there.....


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