Tuesday, August 14, 2012

Pink Ruffle Dress

Last year I saw a picture online that made me feel softer inside. I saved it. It was about bedrooms but what was hanging on the bar is what got my attention. I loved it and saved it for one day when I Might know how to sew or can find a person who could make it for me.

I have just made it myself, and I love it. Its not perfectly what I'm seeing in the dress but its very close. I think the fabric of the original speaks to me even though I cannot see it clearly. I thought my bubble cotton gauze would be nice, but it is different than what I fell in love with which was the texture I could barely see.
Here is the inspiration and I can no longer find this picture online to source it, but I think its Annette Branting's line of designer wear :


 I cropped it to get a closeup of the pink dress....but it didn't come out any clearer when I printed it.

which means, as a person who is teaching themselves project by project how to sew. in reverse engineering this dress I have to go by only this front and a blurry picture :D lol

But here is mine:

I added details of strings hanging from the bottom ruffled panel.....I love strings that move when one walks!

some shots of the mess all over the house with lace, trim, fabric and inspirations......

Picking out lace trims from the basket.....

The unfinished dress on the mannekin.

I kept an open book of Tasha Tudor's Private Life in front of me, It was soothing to see these pictures when I got frustrated. She did and made everything in this picture, from the gardens to the clothing.

I wore this dress for two days after it hung on the line to dry in the sun from dying it pink. It is soooo comfortable! It is my Pink Lawn Dress.....for when I have tea with my friends, the toads, grasshoppers, birds, and flowers LOL

And I finally know what it means to feel pretty in pink!

Am sharing this post with Faith, Grace, and Crafts 

and with How Sweet the Sound Pink Saturday


  1. Oh sweet friend......once again....you have blown me away.....I LOVE WHAT YOU HAVE MADE!!!! SO PRETTY AND FEMININE.

    Finally have a spot where I can visit my favorite ladies...so glad I stopped in here today.



    1. Thank you for stopping to comment Jo! How are you in your journies?? Enjoying the cool? I've not been out but on spurts before I have to run in.....I don't do well in this humid heat....
      But thanks for your appreciation of my creations. :D

    Your blog is so lovely...do you have twitter or fb??

    If you want some cute swedish decor inspiration...check out my blog:)

    Have a great week dear

    LOVE Maria at inredningsvis.se

    1. Thank you....but no I'm not on twitter nor fb....I only have this blog.

  3. Your dress is beautiful! I can't believe that you're teaching yourself to sew and came up with this all on your own! That's amazing. Wish I was as talented~

    1. Thank you :D, yes teaching myself oy! not easy. I'd be making alot more if I didn't have to figure out every step of the way.....
      I didn't come up with it all on my own, I had the picture for the inspiration and design .... but yes piecing it together I did have to figure out......I figure if Medieval people can do it, so can I ! LOL.....thinking of them without schools, or videos or computers etc makes me go on. Thanks for commenting. lady

  4. You are amazing!!! That dress is just beautiful! I am stunned that you are just sitting down and figuring it out, you are one talented lady!
    One day I would love to commission a skirt from you.
    Blessings to you,

  5. It's just amazing how wonderful a dress that reflects your soul can make you feel when you wear it! That dress is beautiful.

    Did you already have some basic sewing skills? If I could go from 0 to making something like that in a reasonable time I would be motivated to learn I think. What steps have you taken to teach yourself and get to this point?

    1. Thank you :-)
      I have sewn basic draw string pants because they didn't have special seams or cuts or anything, it was all straight, loose and baggy almost rectangle and that's it....I didn't have a clue how to do anything else. But I'm told I have a "knack" for it. When I asked my friend the other day who sews, ''does it normally take 2 whole days to make a dress!?'' she said it can take longer....she said I did well....and I wanted it done in 2 hours LOL

      The steps I take is I stare at the picture and in my mind figure out how to cut the pieces, one section that gets sewed on, at a time....when I "see" it in my mind, I then lay the fabric, cut and sew after asking myself 10 times before I cut! if I'm sure I want to do that.....its exhausting....then I do the sewing I saw in my mind, and eventually I begin to see the garment....in that moment its rewarding.
      Did that help ? lol.
      blessings, lady

  6. I love this--you did an amazing job. Before we know it you are going to have your own line of clothes!

    1. That's what I've always wanted to do since I'm 14....I guess it's time? lol.
      thank you

  7. Hello,
    I'm glad you were able to make the dress like you wished to and it has turned out beautiful! You should be very proud!
    Amanda - www.notsoperfectmess.blogspot.com

  8. This is FABULOUS my dear.....I am working on a paper dress now that will be full of PAPER LACE....back soon....Anita

    1. :D thank you. I look forward to seeing what you make! hugs

  9. This is so beautiful, dear friend!
    Airy, light, SO pretty...magical!
    You are a talented soul indeed!!
    Oh, and beloved Anita has some magic of her own with her magnificent paper dresses...
    So much joy...
    Blessings and light,
    - Irina

    1. I always feel those bubbles when I hear from you Palomasea! LOL thank you kindly. And Yes Anita is a huge magical being! LOL so very talented....and I love to see this kind of talent....it spurs me on and nudges me into a more magical space.... further into the imagination so that I can be with those other huge talents! so much to play with there! yes? LOL

  10. Oh now I of course know your blog. Thank you so much for the link. I have now become a follower and signed up for e-mail updates so I will never miss one of your beautiful posts again!
    This dress is absolutely lovely. How wonderful that you have such a talent for creating such beauty!!!!
    I can see you now...walking in the gardens in the lovely dress : )

    1. LOL yes, I told you! LOL....thank you! I'm working on the settings now... :D

  11. Good afternoon beautiful lady!!!

    Thank you for coming to visit today; hop on my white horse and go down that haunting path....come, let's go and find kindness around every corner....


  12. What an inspirational post...l love that you not only kept that vision in mind but also allowed it come to fruition...and what an amazing job you've done and l also love that you personalised it to make it your own...you should be really proud...it's gorgeous.

    1. I am happy with it, yes, and it is comfy and pretty to wear. :D

  13. What an ethereal, feminine, and romantic dress. It looks so cool and comfortable, and I bet it looks beautiful on you. Your fairy friends will be jealous, they will want you to make them a whole new wardrobe. Thanks for sharing.

    1. LOL, thank you! My fairy friends may want me to make them something now too yes! But alas, I'm still working on my own wardrobe, and theirs is very extensive made of truly gossamer threads and items, so they have nothing to worry from me! lol

  14. Oh it's GORGEOUS! My but you did a bangup job on that! I'll bet you're over the moon happy with it and well you should be!
    I'm so delighted that you shared it with us for Pearls and Lace thursday. Enjoy it!

  15. Happy Sunday, blessed friend!
    Oh, it is so beautiful to dance....thank you, dearest Lady, for joining me! :))
    It's a purifying, sacred act indeed...
    Have you ever tried belly dancing? Nirvana! :)
    Bubbly sparkles...
    - Irina

  16. Wow, your dress is wonderful! I can't believe you are teaching yourself how to sew - you have an amazing talent. Where better to care for the soul than in the details of our daily lives?....The soul has an absolute, unforgiving need for regular excursions into enchantment. It requires them like the body needs food and the mind needs thought... An enchanted world is one that speaks to the soul, to the mysterious depths of the heart and imagination where we find value, love and union with the world around us. As mystics of many religions have taught, that sense of rapturous union can give a sense of fulfillment that makes life purposeful and vibrant." ~ Thomas Moore.

  17. The dress is so pretty and feminine. I does look comfortable. Well done! Happy PS!

  18. Your mess turned out a garment of pink beauty.

  19. I love the dress and I love your post. I also am an avid Tasha Tudor fan. Happy Pink Saturday!

  20. Happy Pink Saturday and what a lovely delicate pink dress you have made. Enjoy wearing it! And always try to feel pretty no matter what you are wearing!

  21. Bravo! And, Kudos! You did a very brave and nice thing! It looks great!

    Happy Pink Saturday!

  22. OH wow, what a pretty dress! I could wear it for a week on a row, no problem! I love it!! So my style! I can imagine you fell in love with it. You must feel light and airy in it, for sure! Blessings to you and happy creating ;-)

    1. Thank you, I hope you are feeling better. As I mentioned, I believe there are things that can help you with your pains, I've been through them all.
      I do spend alot of time in that dress.....then wear it to sleep and wake up all pretty already ! LOL
      blessings, lady


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