Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Valentine Linzer Cookies Old Fashioned

Hello Everyone,

I baked cookies again today for the 2nd time in my life. Today I thought I'd make something for my friend and roommate....since there is no one around for me to celebrate Valentine's with, I celebrate on my own. I wanted to make the sugar cookie  I made before for Christmas, but I could not find the recipe anywhere, not even on the website I got it from originally. It wasn't until I was scrolling down her list did I see Linzer Cookie and I got a bit excited because that is one of my favorite cookies. I eat them a few times a year only, I'm not a real sweets person.....and I'm far too aware of how flour and sugar ages a person....yes, ages.....as in wrinkly, pasty and white just like the ingredients.
So when I saw Laura Vitale's recipe for them and realized they were even simpler than sugar cookies, my mouth was hanging open! The only thing I didn't have on hand was the raspberry jam, which I did go out for.
I decided to look into the history  of the Linzer and found that the original recipe uses lemon zest, cinnamon, cardamon, and  maybe cloves. I love those spices! So the lemon zest was definitely added, then I looked further into more recipes and found that most did have cinnamon anyway, so I added a teaspoon, and then I smelled the cardamon and decided yes that was a beautiful smell too!. I ground up a 1/2 teaspoon and added that. All this my own decisions, based on so many recipes for about the same amount of other ingredients. Another thing that was original was ground hazelnut which I didn't have, but I did have almond slices and decided to throw them in too LOL

I made the cookie dough and once I added the lemon zest, cinnamon, and cardamon, I could not believe the beauty of the scent of that combination! I have to say it rivaled the scent of flowers~! my house smelled amazing. I knew this was going to be beautiful and it was.
Once all done I offered them to my roommate who was sitting out in the garden by the pond, with the sounds of crikets very loud, and I presented it on a pedestal glass dome plate. He said he couldn't refuse a sweet in especially presented in such a way. He took one and I left the plate there in case he wanted more. I said, ''Happy Valentines' Day''. About half an hour later he brought in an empty plate ! I couldn't believe he ate them all!

These are the ones that got a little too brown, and I saved them for myself. That funny looking half circle was the last of the dough I just wanted to be done with it all....lol.......it tastes just as good as the others! LOL


Its a good thing I put aside the ones that were slightly burnt for myself. LOL

I put together another plate for my neighbor and her mother, who is back out of the hospital, and wished them also a ''Happy Valentine's''.

I hope most of you shared the love you have in some way, with some one, some where.


I am sharing this post with A Delightsome Life: Home and Garden Thursday

1 comment:

  1. How sweet--I can just imagine the smell of the cookies, and how nice of you to share:)


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