Friday, December 30, 2011

Some of My Creations of the Green Kingdoms in Minature

I am a lover of this Earth and the Green Kingdoms, I cannot get enough, inside and outside. I was a floral designer for 20 years but am now in some in betwixt state of ''being'' in this world but not of it. For a very long time I was very much into a spiritual life that took me more away from the physical life than it probably should have. I looked deeply at the workings of life on Earth, who is controlling the planet and how, etc. It made me ill. I wanted nothing to do with it but to leave. I found manufacturers extremely irresponsible, the trash of the world building up through wasted materials and disposals, the chemicals in everything and the mutations of every food we have now....the list is endless. I didn't participate because I wanted to be green and not produce garbage and waste from careless consumerism and temptations that come from China and all manufacturing/importing countries. I took myself out of the matrix.

Now I have taken a turn and am back into the material world it seems, complete with fiery passions for organic textures, natural colors, and being busy with playing with all these things. I want to engage this in an organic way, in a green way, as much as possible.

These pics are not good and what I'd do on a gifting level and for a business is much more detailed. 
I have many things I can do, many talents, and one of them is a clothing line. Another is an organic cafe.
Maybe this time I can earn a living from this as my friends have told me throughout the years, but which I always found very distasteful. I'm just not a business person, however...... I begin to play again.....

Throughout this blog is a mixture of my experiences and the things I create and like to play with. 
Health, Sustainability and Beauty always the uncompromising criteria.

crazy beautiful sweet potato vine basket

my ''toy garden box'' with eggplant, swiss chard, tulsi and lettuce

shade garden outside kitchen window

 a terrarium I made for a friends Xmas gift, who I share Sacred Tea Time with....notice the tiny tea set in there? The silver pot looks just like my Moroccan Tea Pot

another gift I ''put together'' for Xmas

miniature terrarium


  1. Hi Lady,
    I am so thankful to get your message. Thank you for reading my posts and for letting me know that you enjoy them.
    Your terrariums are so lovely. I love the faerie like feel of them. You see, I still believe in faeries!

  2. Thank you for visiting Comfrey Cottages:) Your blog and your crafts are simply divine! I am going to enjoy looking around your site! I am in love, lady! Gorgeous stuff!! xxxx

  3. What a beautiful blog! So full of enchantment and amazing creations.


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