Saturday, December 24, 2011

My First Cookie Ever

Ok. So as I mentioned before I was greatly inspired by some bloggers who do so many things, taking care of kids, decorating, cleaning, baking....and I was inspired by one who made cookies to give to neighbors. I, thought, for some reason, I could do something so new and simple and just be neighborly and bake something.
I had to find a simple recipe and a video that demonstrated the whole process and I found this video, a demonstration by Laura Vitale. I thought it would be simple, I'd be done in about an hour, have them wrapped and with ribbons, in no time. 
Well it didn't work out that way and to describe my process would be a very very long blog which I cant do, plus I cannot remember every one of the setbacks and challenges I came across, one of them being that one cannot use whipped butter in recipes calling for butter in the baking world because whipped butter has much less density and doesn't amount to the same as stick butter. Then there was the baking pans, which I had to buy, but when finally ready to put them on I realized my roommate didn't buy nonstick ones, so I had to butter them, but when I did, I saw the silver come off on the napkin, so those had to be rewashed and put back into their plastic to be returned, and I had to borrow one....on and on it goes, but that was only the end challenges, there was the beginning ones where the butter wasn't melting with the sugar because I didn't use regular sugar but a natural organic turbinado one. 

Well it goes on but I'll end it here. I did however develop a passion in spite of the aggravation, I guess I was challenged lol, and it is for a snowflake cookie I saw in google images which originated to Paula Deen's snowflake cookie which is one of the most beautiful edible things I ever saw. I want to make a healthy version and I will.

Paula Deen's sugar cookie

Suffice to say, I did finish them, and I did decorate them simply after trying 6 different ways of doing so. 

Each gift was only 5 cookies and I know that is not nearly enough, but I had no idea how many would actually come out in the end and I simply could not stomach another batch LOL. 

But to those who received them, they were smiling very much and very appreciative anyway.

these were simply stenciled with powdered sugar

here they are being sprinkled with green sugar going to be wrapped in biodegradable dishes in background, then wrapped in clear cellophane and ribbon

almost done wrapping


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