Monday, December 19, 2011

**Christmas Beauty **

There is so much I should be blogging and maybe I'll catch up with all the ''amazing'', to me, stories and little things that have been happening in my world of late. But I cannot find myself spending time writing when I'm really into creating and imagining. So here I will post pictures I've been taking, as they may say alot more than I can. I will put some captions to explain some of them. Please do not mind the date and time, it is totally retarded, it goes backwards every year. LOL
Enjoy ! My favorite of the moment is first here, I find it sooooo beautiful.....please note the exquisite electric blue in the background as I took this picture around twilight.

This is my Lemurian Priestess accompanied by the milk glass and lites, cache of moss, Xmas tree outside and brilliant sky in background.

father time greets those who enter at eye level :D

I love my tree at night, but especially in this picture as the lights glow!

front of house

There is more to come........
My first EVER cookies I made in the spirit of Xmas thanks to some of the bloggers, women who work so hard for family values, their commitment to beauty, comfort, and nurturing, and who are masters at many crafts all at once! it boggles the mind.......and on my part, just a sense of long awaited freedom blossoming into cheer of the season for the first time in a long time.
And coming soon, some more pictures of my new creations working with the Green Kingdoms of the woods, my new great love, Mood Moss!

stay tuned, and many blessings for your own comforts and beauties!

1 comment:

  1. Hello, Lovely photos! I completely understand - I seem to wander from one thing to another with my mind telling me I should be doing this or that! Your Christmas tree looks wonderful and I too love your first photo! I am visiting via Show Off Your Cottage Monday and am happy to be your newest follower,


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