Tuesday, April 26, 2022

Pamelindalee's Remote Garden


So my friends, time has passed, but here we are. It is amazing, that.

How do you all fare? How do you feel? Feel free to share if you like.

I have some pictures of the "gardens" such as they are on this property. It is coming along ever so slowly. It is more like working with stone than soil, and with feeling instead of knowledge. Knowledge of what should be working and what should not is out the window. Here, it is completely a moody land and intuitive acuity.

There are alot of anomalies in this plot, one of which stumps even the most erudite of brains. For example, two plants planted with the same soil at the same time, right next to each other will behave quite differently from each other. This is happening alot. Seeds from the same packet with have one that grows and the others not. Etcetera.

But I am here to show to my dear friend Pamelindalee what has come of her gifts to our gardens. Gardens which are created to nurture beauty, and comfort, solace, as well as food. Flowers for the spirit, herbs for healing and tea, {which I will now go and pick some dandelion flowers for tea}, salads and veggies such as tomatoes, eggplant, jalapeno peppers, but collards do the best. Red lettuces have taken one full year to grow to a plant large enough to harvest. Their seedlings stayed at one inch for 8 months, then grew. We are also growing corn with sunflowers and mizuna in one bed. There are also peaches and new apple trees. I will show in pictures below. I hope there is some beauty here. These pictures were taken this morning around 8:15 when the sun was coming up. Just something about that first light that is magical.

A vase of flowers for the bedside table, sweetpeas, larkspur, jasmine, queen anne's lace, something I don't know :D growing from a pack of flower seed mixes. Just prettiness.

"WE are the ones who can be
omnipresent in a purely loving way." ~Pamelinda.

The archway is full of jasmine blooms, and the scent everywhere is wonderful.

"Our multidimensional self is here.
It is already formed and WE breathe 
life into it." ~Pamelinda

These Queen Anne's Lace are taller than me. I adore this flower.

I threw hundreds of seeds into this circular garden when I prepared the beds. Some were single flowers and others were mixes. There are alot of weeds in there that I have not taken out yet as I did not know what some of those flowers would look like growing so I left them. Most are turning out to be flowers actually. But in there are primrose, larkspur, queen anne's lace, red poppies, and other things that are still in their growing stage. It looks mostly weedy, not the kind of flower patch I wanted, but this is the first year for this circular garden and I wanted to see what grows and how.

There are also some lettuce gone to seed.

"As we release aspects of the slave self,
our TRUE self automatically steps in."

These arches and obelisks below were for climbing roses. But the rose got buried and is no longer to be found. The sweet peas decided they didn't want to climb as was their nature and to ignore the obelisks I bought just for them and instead sprawled outward, completely ignoring their nature to wrap tendrils around anything near them. They wrapped around each other once they flopped and the obelisk remains vacant wondering about the intelligence of those sweet peas. They are on the left side of this, and I did not take a picture of those embarrassing floppers, though they are producing, very late, some flowers that are heavenly scented. I cut them all and put them in a vase already.



 This lean-to below I never posted in a picture as it was so ugly before we just added the lattice and trim onto it to finish it last week. It no longer looks like an unfinished ugly thing. Its not pretty by a long shot, but it is still only where the mower, wheel barrow and garden tools/supplies go. I also keep the lettuce mix greens in bins here, they seems to like it and grow well over and over, so I keep them here.

This lattice is also the structure for morning glories I planted at the base along with some purple hyacinth bean, hopefully they will cover this in the summer, hence the branches to help them sprawl.


The lotus are doing very well this year. I remembered to fertilize them. This one already has a bud towered over the aerial leaves. This is a plant I love so much, it is such a beautiful water element.

This is part of the lean to the previous owner built. I added the cattle panels upright and am using it for the jasmine, rasberries and grapes. So far the jasmine is doing well. The grapes are being moody for 3 years now. Last year they produced meager grapes and they were sour. I planted sweet ones. I hope they do well this year.

The three main veggie beds each 4' x 8'. They should grow some tomatoes, which we did finally get a lot of but not until December and January(!?)....dozens of full size tomatoes, then the frost came and killed the ones I could not pick as they were too green. We also have eggplant, collards, red lettuce, thai basil, lavender, and strawberries which are all coming up and back this year, but most of the strawberries were misshapen and not sweet at all. I ate them anyway. The middle bed is a mix of flowers, always a mystery. So far Chinese Forget Me Nots are taking over....though I have over 15 different species in here. We'll see what summer brings.

Here are a few peaches that developed after the frost killed over 70 peaches that were growing happily until then. We have maybe 8 peaches in total in all three trees. I still love them.

I use the carport as part of the garden.

On the south side of the house the wisteria is finally growing. It took 3 years. I've pruned it twice in the last 2 weeks, it is a crazy monster. I am hoping the blooms will grow longer and open up finally.

The front door has a wall of jasmine. The smell is wonderful.

Even the shed's jasmine is blooming well.

Behind the shed is a bed of planted corn, sunflowers, mizuna and arugula. I can't wait, they are all coming up so far.

My beloved Lotus.......

"What makes us powerful transformative Beings of Light is being  Light with full awareness of all that the dark is doing. You cannot transform without that knowledge yet remaining powerful in your Light/Love." ~Serena

The little weeping willow is filling out nice in its first season here. It's about 8 feet tall. I could literally plant 20 more weeping willow on this property and if they were all full sized I'd still have room for 20 more.

This spring, the only thing that did well were the two little apples. They bloomed so prettily! as small as they were. So here is a picture of one apple on one of them.

These are the north and south arches that I will plant with something that will do well. I keep hoping for climbing roses, we'll see.

I call this my Stonehenge Tea Table. :D

And finally the view from my back door, it is lovely first morning light when it is misty from dew in the sun, low light, and sparkling dew drops on everything.

Stay in your light. 

Nurture your light and only your light. 

Grow your light and dwell in love. 

Shine that love over the darkness you see and never waver. Not for a moment.


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