Sunday, September 7, 2014

Avocado Pear Guacamole

Hello everyone,

I am here loving that I have the luxury and gift of being able to post with my own photos. After you lose your pc for a time, and not having photos of so many lovely things, you can feel remiss, and I have gained back that ability and am tweaking my new pc which doesn't have a good photo software, it is Ubuntu and a new thing and is virtually free of viruses and such so I don't have to worry much about that, but getting a good photo system is priority. But I am still using housemate's laptop as this is where I've been able to store my beloved pictures.

Today I have a recipe as I'm going back to the more-healthy-than-not way of eating I have always done because I have been feeling the effects of not eating mostly raw and not juicing and this is not good. Even John's health and energy is depleting to the point where I'll be having to juice every day again and work a little more in the kitchen.....but things are what they are and at least I have the ability to do these things.

Today I juiced and drank my elixir par excellance, of apples, whole lemons, beets and cucumber, and then I had 2 avocados I need to make something with which I picked from the tree  and those avocados where just within reach of my arm today I had to make something with them before they got too ripe.
Not having everything I needed for a guacamole, I had to improvise. I used what I had on hand and as I looked into my refrigerator I wondered what would go well in the ''at the time avocado salad turned guacamole''......and I picked out several things........ and do you know those innovations of ''what is on hand'' usually turn out the most wonderful new recipes and treats EVER !? Well such was the case today and I loved it so much I have to share it, so here goes....

One perfectly ripe avocado, chopped and into a mixing bowl
half a ripe pear chopped fine, this is the surprise for my guacamole and loved it!
teaspoon of cilantro (not enough for my usual one hence the improvisation),
about a cup of fine fresh chopped parsley, which was the improv part too
half a small onion chopped fine,
chopped olives, about 3 tablespoons? more or less to your own taste
some red pepper flakes to taste, or not :D
fresh ground salt and black pepper to taste
juice of half lemon
dash of olive oil
tobasco to taste
mix up and mash well, and enjoy this lovely treat! A very healthy, raw and alkalizing meal good for anyone at anytime.
Am still munching on this.

Blessings to you all, may you all walk in beauty, dream in living color, and laugh every day.


  1. Well I definitely have to try this recipe, my dearest! The only thing is I´ll have to wait a little because we don´t have ripe pears here yet, which is indeed the "magic touch" in your particular guacamole... And yes, around here we should go back to a more healthy food too, since we´re not eating so well lately; but now that spring is coming soon carrying a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables, the idea of juices and salads sounds really yummy to me! So keep on posting your recipes, that I´ll try to be a good pupil :D
    Lots of love and blessings,

  2. That sounds just delicious--I love avocados!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

    1. Arghh....Palomasea I deleted your comment by mistake! I'm so sorry, I didn't even get a chance to read it, I was trying to click on one thing and the pc was doing other things and my mouse clicked the wrong thing, and I would have loved to have read it! Is there any way you could rewrite it LOL.......I love hearing from you.

  4. Replies
    1. oh thinking of you alot lately, ''your'' room awaits.....:D

  5. Yes. dear Lady....and I will call you soon...thank you! :)
    Comment copied...

    Nummy num num!!! My mouth is watering!
    My dearest Lady, magical Enchantress, how I have missed you!
    You have written here before, and we've discussed it, occasionally one needs some major time away from regular blogging and computer stuff in general. Things this past summer have been topsy turvy, and my little laptop is broken for good. But you have a new pc now..that's wonderful!
    I can use J's here and there, but mostly late at night.
    Anyway...please know that I think of you OFTEN and miss our correspondence as well as our chats.
    I pray that you are well, that the weather is cooling, and your garden is bringing you joy!
    The little package I spoke of some time ago is finally heading out to you this week...I have been naughty in my procrastination...just have been in a funk. Hopefully, the mood is lightening up.
    Sending you sparkly blessings, love, and warm hugs...
    - Irina :)

    1. ok, this is what I meant when I wrote it the first time, my own reply to you Irina didn't go through.....I said that it is so smart of you to copy your comments as often the first time it is written is too good and cannot be how do you copy your comments? I need to learn that one....I also understand too well about the ''funk'' ...I look forward to our chat.

  6. This looks delicious! What a yummy twist with the pears, how unique.
    I'll have to give it a try. Hope you day is sunny!


Your thoughts and comments are always appreciated and responded to when possible.